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Current legislation in Brazil recognizes people with disabilities as subjects of rights and establishes the reduction of barriers so that this population can exercise their citizenship, but there are still several barriers that make this process difficult. Documents such as the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, the 2007 International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, more recently, the 2015 Brazilian Inclusion Law, affirm the need to promote the social protagonism of people with disabilities. Among the forms of protagonism, organizations of people with disabilities play an important role in the defense of rights. In the case of intellectual disorders, although there are organizations that defend the rights of these people, the defenders are mostly family members, specialized professionals or, in some cases, politicians. In this context, this study proposes to investigate the forms of social and school participation of people with intellectual disabilities. The study's methodology included the analysis of public statistical data from the Brazilian Demographic Census (2010) and the School Census (from 2014 to 2018), referring to schooling and participation in the labor market. The study revealed that, in education, most students with disabilities are students with intellectual disabilities. In relation to the labor market, among all disabilities, intellectual disability has lower participation rates.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929322310027

  • Palavras-chave: Intellectual Disorder. Inclusion. Rights.

  • Keywords: Intellectual Disorder. Inclusion. Rights.

  • Abstract:

    Current legislation in Brazil recognizes people with disabilities as subjects of rights and establishes the reduction of barriers so that this population can exercise their citizenship, but there are still several barriers that make this process difficult. Documents such as the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, the 2007 International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and, more recently, the 2015 Brazilian Inclusion Law, affirm the need to promote the social protagonism of people with disabilities. Among the forms of protagonism, organizations of people with disabilities play an important role in the defense of rights. In the case of intellectual disorders, although there are organizations that defend the rights of these people, the defenders are mostly family members, specialized professionals or, in some cases, politicians. In this context, this study proposes to investigate the forms of social and school participation of people with intellectual disabilities. The study's methodology included the analysis of public statistical data from the Brazilian Demographic Census (2010) and the School Census (from 2014 to 2018), referring to schooling and participation in the labor market. The study revealed that, in education, most students with disabilities are students with intellectual disabilities. In relation to the labor market, among all disabilities, intellectual disability has lower participation rates.

  • Cremilson de Souza
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