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The work highlights experiences of implementing good “Africanized” ethnic entrepreneurial didactic pedagogical practices based on the concepts of Ubuntu (solidarity participation) and Sankofa (life project referenced to ancestry), Afro-centered, without disregarding other ethnicities and experienced at the School CEEPAMEV technique, in times of the COVID 19 pandemic crisis, located in Ilhéus-Bahia. It impacted awareness, Afro-descendant ethnic self-identification and promotion of Afro-entrepreneurship, both in teaching and future professional activities of graduating students. Limitations of expository teaching were overcome, through the use of previously unknown digital technologies, in the inclusive environment, with prospects for employability, pro activities for Afro-entrepreneurial businesses and the career of student graduates. The methodology adopted was Action Research (TRIPP, 2005) via “Africanized” 5S practices, using digital technologies, reorganization of the usual didactic and pedagogical activities, aimed at promoting Afro entrepreneurship. Teaching and learning strategies and integration of available technologies were reevaluated, adjusted and executed remotely, with videoconferencing and an electronic bulletin board. Quality management was integrated with good ethnic-entrepreneurial pedagogical teaching practices (TEIXEIRA, 2023; CAMARGO, 2018), proving to be a fundamental strategy with inclusive education, when facing the challenges of the contemporary pandemic world. Excelling in self-taught training and traditional teaching-learning practices with the unique rise of Afro-entrepreneurship, differentiated from the usual pedagogical teaching practices, intra and extra-class. The theme of quality management and its tools combined with remote teaching-learning of theoretical and practical knowledge about 5S, with its continuous transformative philosophy, enabled Afro-directed procedural pedagogical didactic interventions. Thus, those practices based on 5S observed, diagnosed and recorded, also photographically, changes in initially informal and non-standardized environments, without exposing intimate issues. They were inserted on the electronic wall, signaling the interventions carried out on use, cleaning and organization, such as tables, drawers and book shelves, an environment chosen by the student himself, without limiting himself or invading his privacy. Planned and developed changes were obtained collaboratively in real time. The virtual wall was created by teachers and students, who viewed the content covered, operationalized and produced. Experiences were exchanged, perceptions of self-awareness and skills, problems and challenges were systematized in the form of supportive participation, Ubuntu. Areas of intervention were identified by applying the first principles of 5S: Use, Orderliness and Cleaning. Which, transformed into infographics and “before and after” panels, resulted in cleaner, more organized and efficient environments, as a tangible effect of improvements in morale and collective spirit. Overcoming the significant challenges of the usual face-to-face expository nature with low operationalization of “knowing how to do it”. Cognitive, affective, psychomotor vulnerabilities were faced and with partial overcoming, lack of financial resources, family instability, emotional support, inadequate educational and social “home office”, among other challenges. Limitations in the school digital support infrastructure, motivational risks in raising awareness of teacher and student self-identification in the training of Afro-entrepreneurial subjects, in online interactions and long-term monitoring, life project of graduates, ancestrally referenced, Sankofa, of its possible employability and careers, in addition to restrictions on access to certain technologies. Educational awareness, a more inclusive environment to prepare students to survive socioeconomically the challenges of the real world, precarious school and home office infrastructure, discontinuous teacher and student training, exhausting flexibility, creativity and abilities to adapt traditional pedagogical practices to the digital environment, ensured an understanding of their Afro-entrepreneurial and innovative potential. Afro-descendant entrepreneurial self-confidence, ethnic-racial awareness, motivation for career opportunities and job prospects, in addition to interests in starting businesses, strengthened ethnic-racial self-identification with incentives for planned changes in their communities and students' personal lives, with promotion, awareness of equity and social justice, its improvements in education and professional training in educational technology and the acquisition of new socio-emotional skills. In other words, other fundamental insights for the development of Public Educational Policies for training teachers with entrepreneurial experiences applying innovative remote didactic-pedagogical practices, development of contingency plans, via active methodologies in crisis situations and in regions of vulnerability. Guaranteeing access to professional education, with contributions to Afro-entrepreneurial empowerment and promotion of educational equity. The experiences in a remote online educational environment, transmission of active and self-motivated technical knowledge, promotion of awareness for sustainable employability and a viable career also in the public, private and non-governmental sectors stand out. Student teaching experiences were integrated and shared, promoting mutual learning in real time. Sensitization of self-identifications to ethnic-racial origins and potential entrepreneurs were included. Making technical-professional education more inclusive, technological, innovative and current in the face of contemporary challenges.
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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Professional Entrepreneurial Education, Quality management, 5S Program, Afroentrepreneurship, Digital Technologies

  • Keywords: Professional Entrepreneurial Education, Quality management, 5S Program, Afroentrepreneurship, Digital Technologies

  • Abstract: The work highlights experiences of implementing good “Africanized” ethnic entrepreneurial didactic pedagogical practices based on the concepts of Ubuntu (solidarity participation) and Sankofa (life project referenced to ancestry), Afro-centered, without disregarding other ethnicities and experienced at the School CEEPAMEV technique, in times of the COVID 19 pandemic crisis, located in Ilhéus-Bahia. It impacted awareness, Afro-descendant ethnic self-identification and promotion of Afro-entrepreneurship, both in teaching and future professional activities of graduating students. Limitations of expository teaching were overcome, through the use of previously unknown digital technologies, in the inclusive environment, with prospects for employability, pro activities for Afro-entrepreneurial businesses and the career of student graduates. The methodology adopted was Action Research (TRIPP, 2005) via “Africanized” 5S practices, using digital technologies, reorganization of the usual didactic and pedagogical activities, aimed at promoting Afro entrepreneurship. Teaching and learning strategies and integration of available technologies were reevaluated, adjusted and executed remotely, with videoconferencing and an electronic bulletin board. Quality management was integrated with good ethnic-entrepreneurial pedagogical teaching practices (TEIXEIRA, 2023; CAMARGO, 2018), proving to be a fundamental strategy with inclusive education, when facing the challenges of the contemporary pandemic world. Excelling in self-taught training and traditional teaching-learning practices with the unique rise of Afro-entrepreneurship, differentiated from the usual pedagogical teaching practices, intra and extra-class. The theme of quality management and its tools combined with remote teaching-learning of theoretical and practical knowledge about 5S, with its continuous transformative philosophy, enabled Afro-directed procedural pedagogical didactic interventions. Thus, those practices based on 5S observed, diagnosed and recorded, also photographically, changes in initially informal and non-standardized environments, without exposing intimate issues. They were inserted on the electronic wall, signaling the interventions carried out on use, cleaning and organization, such as tables, drawers and book shelves, an environment chosen by the student himself, without limiting himself or invading his privacy. Planned and developed changes were obtained collaboratively in real time. The virtual wall was created by teachers and students, who viewed the content covered, operationalized and produced. Experiences were exchanged, perceptions of self-awareness and skills, problems and challenges were systematized in the form of supportive participation, Ubuntu. Areas of intervention were identified by applying the first principles of 5S: Use, Orderliness and Cleaning. Which, transformed into infographics and “before and after” panels, resulted in cleaner, more organized and efficient environments, as a tangible effect of improvements in morale and collective spirit. Overcoming the significant challenges of the usual face-to-face expository nature with low operationalization of “knowing how to do it”. Cognitive, affective, psychomotor vulnerabilities were faced and with partial overcoming, lack of financial resources, family instability, emotional support, inadequate educational and social “home office”, among other challenges. Limitations in the school digital support infrastructure, motivational risks in raising awareness of teacher and student self-identification in the training of Afro-entrepreneurial subjects, in online interactions and long-term monitoring, life project of graduates, ancestrally referenced, Sankofa, of its possible employability and careers, in addition to restrictions on access to certain technologies. Educational awareness, a more inclusive environment to prepare students to survive socioeconomically the challenges of the real world, precarious school and home office infrastructure, discontinuous teacher and student training, exhausting flexibility, creativity and abilities to adapt traditional pedagogical practices to the digital environment, ensured an understanding of their Afro-entrepreneurial and innovative potential. Afro-descendant entrepreneurial self-confidence, ethnic-racial awareness, motivation for career opportunities and job prospects, in addition to interests in starting businesses, strengthened ethnic-racial self-identification with incentives for planned changes in their communities and students' personal lives, with promotion, awareness of equity and social justice, its improvements in education and professional training in educational technology and the acquisition of new socio-emotional skills. In other words, other fundamental insights for the development of Public Educational Policies for training teachers with entrepreneurial experiences applying innovative remote didactic-pedagogical practices, development of contingency plans, via active methodologies in crisis situations and in regions of vulnerability. Guaranteeing access to professional education, with contributions to Afro-entrepreneurial empowerment and promotion of educational equity. The experiences in a remote online educational environment, transmission of active and self-motivated technical knowledge, promotion of awareness for sustainable employability and a viable career also in the public, private and non-governmental sectors stand out. Student teaching experiences were integrated and shared, promoting mutual learning in real time. Sensitization of self-identifications to ethnic-racial origins and potential entrepreneurs were included. Making technical-professional education more inclusive, technological, innovative and current in the face of contemporary challenges.

  • Ismara Sobral Pereira
  • Milton Ferreira da Silva Junior
  • Cláudia Oliveira Reis
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