Artigo - Atena Editora


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Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychiatric condition characterized by symptoms of impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention, with wide-ranging repercussions in the cognitive, academic, behavioral, emotional and social domains. As outlined in the DSM-5 classification, ADHD is stratified into three levels of severity, correlated with the number of symptoms presented and their influence on the individual's daily functionality. It is important to note the predilection for diagnosis in men and its notable prevalence during the school phase, highlighting the relevant role of pediatrics in addressing this phenomenon. The early identification of ADHD is of paramount importance, considering the challenges faced by affected children, not only in the educational sphere, but also in their socio-family development. This study aimed to analyze the impact of early diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, exploring how such a diagnosis can positively influence prognosis and intervention strategies.  The results presented support the assertion that the presence of ADHD exerts an adverse influence on the lives of sufferers, substantially compromising their quality of life. In conclusion, the importance of early diagnosis and treatment is emphasized as fundamental elements in mitigating the acute and long-term repercussions of ADHD, aiming to provide a better quality of life for individuals affected by this neuropsychiatric condition.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Diagnosis. Treatment.

  • Keywords: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Diagnosis. Treatment.

  • Abstract:

    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a neuropsychiatric condition characterized by symptoms of impulsivity, hyperactivity and inattention, with wide-ranging repercussions in the cognitive, academic, behavioral, emotional and social domains. As outlined in the DSM-5 classification, ADHD is stratified into three levels of severity, correlated with the number of symptoms presented and their influence on the individual's daily functionality. It is important to note the predilection for diagnosis in men and its notable prevalence during the school phase, highlighting the relevant role of pediatrics in addressing this phenomenon. The early identification of ADHD is of paramount importance, considering the challenges faced by affected children, not only in the educational sphere, but also in their socio-family development. This study aimed to analyze the impact of early diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, exploring how such a diagnosis can positively influence prognosis and intervention strategies.  The results presented support the assertion that the presence of ADHD exerts an adverse influence on the lives of sufferers, substantially compromising their quality of life. In conclusion, the importance of early diagnosis and treatment is emphasized as fundamental elements in mitigating the acute and long-term repercussions of ADHD, aiming to provide a better quality of life for individuals affected by this neuropsychiatric condition.

  • Erik Bernardes Moreira Alves
  • Yuri Santos Simplício
  • Rafaela de Paula Almeida
  • Bárbara Maria Aguiar Luna
  • Gyovanna Vasconcelos do Carmo
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