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Design optimization of a LightWeight category combat robot

The DotBotz Robotics Team develops combat and autonomous robots, and among combat robots, there is a LightWeight category robot (27.2 Kg), developed in 2019 for the Winter Challenge XV. During the competition, the project presented problems in your structure, visa what O material was fragile at streaming in movement, that it was not efficient; and in the traction of its wheels, which made locomotion difficult. Based on the obstacles presented the need to optimize the project arose, aiming at greater competitiveness and also learning about concepts such as materials, mass transmission and distribution. To solve the problems to which the robot was submitted, the solutions found and applied at the project were changes at the method in streaming in movement in between at wheels, in the metal alloy of the frame material and in the shape and material of the wheels. The development of projects like this allows greater integration with the external community, spreading knowledge about robotics through initiatives social of the team and also with the exhibition from results and competitions per means in communications virtual.

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Design optimization of a LightWeight category combat robot

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5582232227079

  • Palavras-chave: robotics. Robot. Combat.

  • Keywords: robotics. Robot. Combat.

  • Abstract:

    The DotBotz Robotics Team develops combat and autonomous robots, and among combat robots, there is a LightWeight category robot (27.2 Kg), developed in 2019 for the Winter Challenge XV. During the competition, the project presented problems in your structure, visa what O material was fragile at streaming in movement, that it was not efficient; and in the traction of its wheels, which made locomotion difficult. Based on the obstacles presented the need to optimize the project arose, aiming at greater competitiveness and also learning about concepts such as materials, mass transmission and distribution. To solve the problems to which the robot was submitted, the solutions found and applied at the project were changes at the method in streaming in movement in between at wheels, in the metal alloy of the frame material and in the shape and material of the wheels. The development of projects like this allows greater integration with the external community, spreading knowledge about robotics through initiatives social of the team and also with the exhibition from results and competitions per means in communications virtual.

  • Número de páginas: 6

  • Mauricio dos Santos Kaster
  • Rodrigo Watanabe Sanches
  • Alexandre José Schotten
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