Dietary imbalance in the nutritional status of a population in Ecuador
Dietary imbalance in the nutritional status of a population in Ecuador
Palavras-chave: Evaluación Nutricional, Enfermedades nutricionales y metabólicas, Metabolismo, Nutrientes.
Keywords: Nutritional assessment,Nutritional and metabolic diseases, Metabolism, Nutrients.
The proper balance of macronutrients is essential for maintaining body weight and preventing chronic diseases; In recent years it has become an area of nutritional research. The objective of the study is to relate dietary imbalance with nutritional status and body composition in a population from Ecuador. This is a descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study, non-random sampling, for convenience. The data were obtained from the dietary history of 180 individuals, which included the 24-hour recall, anthropometric data, and clinical data; allowing to evaluate dietary intake of macronutrients, nutritional status and body composition. The data were processed with SPSS version 22 using chi-square tests, probability of risks. The results show that there is a high intake of non-nutritious foods that lead to a dietary imbalance in 87.2% of young people and adults. This in turn significantly influences the nutritional status (p=.000), presenting malnutrition due to excess 30% and due to deficiency 4.5%. Likewise, a42.8% of subjects with fat hypertrophy, and 30.6% with pre-sarcopenia,It also constitutes a cardiovascular risk. Reason whyand evidences an imbalance in the consumption ofnutrients, generating malnutrition due to both excess and deficiency; The etiology of overweight and obesity may not only be due to high calorie consumption, but is also associated with an imbalance of macronutrients, independent of the amount of total energy consumed, related to sporadic consumption of saturated fat through fast foods. Therefore, nutritional dietary treatment must not only be focused on calorie restriction but on the balance of macronutrients according to the amount of calories, the reduction of subcutaneous adipose tissue, conservation of muscle mass and not only weight loss.
- William Bayardo Galarza Esparza
- Carmen Patricia Viteri Robayo
- Cristina Alexandra Arteaga Almeida
- Kattyta Patricia Hidalgo Morales
- Tatiana Salome Moya Ocaña
- Verónica Elizabeth Guanga Lara