Describe Writing as a Support Element in the Writing of Academic Texts and Scientific Articles
Describe Writing as a Support Element in the Writing of Academic Texts and Scientific Articles
Palavras-chave: Código Escrito, composición escrita, adecuación, cohesión, coherencia
Keywords: Written Code, written composition, adequacy, cohesion, coherence.
The competence to write technical, academic and/or scientific texts must be more than a generic competence, given that higher education is the last formal stage of professional development. To achieve the writing skill that facilitates writing reports on academic activities, such as the final project of a summer of scientific research, writing the technical report of the professional residency or carrying out the methodological writing of a thesis, it is necessary to implement transversal training actions. throughout the entire curriculum. This implies that training actions must be planned in various subjects throughout the entire training process. It is not enough to teach the student in a single subject how to write, for example, the theoretical framework, methodology, analysis of results, conclusions and recommendations. After receiving these teachings, the student must practice and practice, which implies that several teachers in different subjects must promote this skill. In this document, we present a proposal for methodology and content that supports the training actions necessary to develop writing competence. This proposal is based mainly on Cassany's (2012) position, which emphasizes the importance of learning to write, reading as a writer, understanding and using the characteristics of written language, and becoming aware of the cognitive processes involved in the composition of the text. This document presents a proposal for methodology and content to support training actions that lead to the achievement of the competence of writing with clarity and precision.
- Albino Rodríguez-Díaz
- Jovita Romero-Islas
- José de Jesús Rodríguez Romero
- José Cruz Muñoz Esparza