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Professional Development of Rural Teachers in contexts of Educational Reforms

El año 2017 se promulga la ley que crea el sistema de Educación pública, traspasando las escuelas municipales a los Servicios Locales de Educación Pública (SLEP). Como señalan Ball y Maroy (2009), la implementación de políticas educativas implica tensiones entre los objetivos de la reforma y su traducción por los actores educativos. Asimismo, un rasgo característico de las escuelas rurales chilenas, entre otros, es su organización en Microcentros, es decir, agrupaciones de escuelas territorialmente cercanas que se reúnen mensualmente para compartir experiencias pedagógicas, con tal de mejorar su enseñanza. En tal contexto, esta ponencia busca analizar cómo las reuniones de microcentro entregan oportunidades de desarrollo profesional a los encargados de escuela rural (EER) durante la implementación de una reforma educativa que cambia su dependencia laboral. A partir de 31 entrevistas reflexivas, se concluye que las actuales reuniones de microcentro tienen un carácter fundamentalmente administrativo y se han reducido las instancias de intercambio de prácticas pedagógicas. Por lo anterior, los docentes consideran que ha disminuido su autonomía, oportunidades de aprendizaje entre pares y desarrollo profesional. Aquellos resultados tienden confirmar la observación de Ball y Maroy (2009) y ejemplificar empíricamente tales tensiones.
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Professional Development of Rural Teachers in contexts of Educational Reforms

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  • Abstract:

    In 2017, the law creating the public education system was enacted, transferring municipal schools to Local Public Education Services (SLEP). As Ball and Maroy (2009) point out, the implementation of educational policies implies tensions between the objectives of the reform and their translation by educational actors. Likewise, a characteristic feature of Chilean rural schools, among others, is their organization into Microcenters, that is, groups of territorially close schools that meet monthly to share pedagogical experiences, in order to improve their teaching.
    In such a context, this paper seeks to analyze how microcenter meetings provide professional development opportunities to those in charge of rural schools (RSE) during the implementation of an educational reform that changes their labor dependence. Based on 31 reflective interviews, it is concluded that the current microcenter meetings have a fundamentally administrative nature and the instances of exchange of pedagogical practices have been reduced. Due to the above, teachers consider that their autonomy, opportunities for peer learning and professional development have decreased. These results tend to confirm the observation of Ball and Maroy (2009) and empirically exemplify such tensions.

  • Marta Quiroga Lobos
  • Oscar Valenzuela Flores
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