Challenges of inclusive education implemented for students with autism spectrum disorder
Challenges of inclusive education implemented for students with autism spectrum disorder
Palavras-chave: autismo; desafíos; educación inclusiva; perspectiva del docente; revisión.
Keywords: autism; challenges; inclusive education; teacher perspective; review.
Autism spectrum disorder affects cognitive functions such as communication and social interaction, as well as restrictive and repetitive patterns of behavior. The prevalence of this pathology has increased in the last decades and therefore also the number of students added to general education. The objective of the research was to determine the challenges faced in the implementation of inclusive education for people with autism spectrum disorder. A literature review was conducted in which original articles published since 2019 and focused on the perception of teachers were taken into account. It was concluded that the deficient preparation of training systems and teaching staff are the main barriers faced in the classroom.
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- Nelly Karina Arteaga-Quijije
- Yara Inés Alcívar-López
- Elcita Manuela Ponce-Mera
- Jessenia Monserrate Castro-Mendoza
- Blanca Mariuxi Bazurto-Ordoñez
- Thalia Fuentes-Leyva
- Ariana Milene Arias Caballero