Postpartum depression is a pathology that affects part of the puerperal female population. Early diagnosis enables rapid and complete improvement of the patient. The main symptoms indicative of depression is crying, lack of energy, feeling of worthlessness and sadness. The damage caused by the disease in the child development of the newborn. The treatment adopted is individualized, since it varies according to the degree of the pathology, capable of approaching from light therapeutic conducts, such as behavioral therapy, to administering medication to the puerperal woman.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.159392303028
Palavras-chave: Postpartum depression; Pathology; Consequences; Mother-Child Relationships; Treatment.
Keywords: Postpartum depression; Pathology; Consequences; Mother-Child Relationships; Treatment.
Postpartum depression is a pathology that affects part of the puerperal female population. Early diagnosis enables rapid and complete improvement of the patient. The main symptoms indicative of depression is crying, lack of energy, feeling of worthlessness and sadness. The damage caused by the disease in the child development of the newborn. The treatment adopted is individualized, since it varies according to the degree of the pathology, capable of approaching from light therapeutic conducts, such as behavioral therapy, to administering medication to the puerperal woman.
- Giovanna Cristina Marques Andrade
- Donizete dos Reis Andrade Júnior
- Cricia Daniely Ferreira
- Marcella de Castro Rodrigues
- Eduarda Lemes Miguel
- Maria Luiza Pereira Lima
- Pedro Paulo Pacheco de Sá
- Maria Clara Dias Coelho Menezes
- Sara Bastos Santos
- Isadora Furtado Pereira
- Kissa Abe de Lima
- Carla Geovana Teles