Artigo - Atena Editora


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The democratic regime is not an ahistorical construction. It arose in societies with very specific characteristics. Most of history has not known democratic regimes. Nothing guarantees its perpetuity. The short period of historical existence demonstrates that at certain times it went into crisis, but later recovered. He is currently going through a serious crisis caused by multiple factors. Society profoundly changed its structures and reached the configuration of democratic regimes. Its institutions, adapted for the previous historical moment, are out of step with the reality of the new times. Today its biggest threat is populism. It is not certain that democracy will come to an end. As in the past, it can reinvent itself and have a long life. This depends on how society will act, especially its leaders. There are ways to minimize and restore the health of broken democracies. It depends on the answers given by society.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583212329068

  • Palavras-chave: democracy, crisis, conflict, history, populism, authoritarianism

  • Keywords: democracy, crisis, conflict, history, populism, authoritarianism

  • Abstract:

    The democratic regime is not an ahistorical construction. It arose in societies with very specific characteristics. Most of history has not known democratic regimes. Nothing guarantees its perpetuity. The short period of historical existence demonstrates that at certain times it went into crisis, but later recovered. He is currently going through a serious crisis caused by multiple factors. Society profoundly changed its structures and reached the configuration of democratic regimes. Its institutions, adapted for the previous historical moment, are out of step with the reality of the new times. Today its biggest threat is populism. It is not certain that democracy will come to an end. As in the past, it can reinvent itself and have a long life. This depends on how society will act, especially its leaders. There are ways to minimize and restore the health of broken democracies. It depends on the answers given by society.

  • Isaías Pascoal
  • Isaias Pascoal
  • Andressa Thainá Moraes Resende
  • Gabriel Macedo Rezende
  • Yago Vinícius Pereira Andrade
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