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From Theory to Practice: Cultural Sustainability Criteria in Post-COVID 19 Rural Tourist Destinations

Given the negative effect that the COVID-19 health emergency has had on tourist activities in rural Mexican communities, it is urgent to have elements that allow the development and economic reactivation of the sector. This study corresponds to the first stage of an investigation that seeks to act with relevance in community projects, through the analysis and application of the tourism sustainability criteria proposed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) in order to provide guidance to communities on management strategies and safeguarding of tourism heritage in their regions. The objective is to assess the applicability of the criteria in rural settings, based on the hypothesis that even when the coincidences of needs may be similar,

The first stage focuses on the Destination Criteria and Cultural Sustainability, and as a result, recommendations are proposed on how to provide support in the identification and implementation of the aforementioned criteria, contributing to the establishment and/or strengthening of sustainable tourism ventures. culturally, contributing to the safeguarding of heritage.

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From Theory to Practice: Cultural Sustainability Criteria in Post-COVID 19 Rural Tourist Destinations

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163102316055

  • Palavras-chave: Tourism, sustainability, criteria, destinations, rural.

  • Keywords: Tourism, sustainability, criteria, destinations, rural.

  • Abstract:

    Given the negative effect that the COVID-19 health emergency has had on tourist activities in rural Mexican communities, it is urgent to have elements that allow the development and economic reactivation of the sector. This study corresponds to the first stage of an investigation that seeks to act with relevance in community projects, through the analysis and application of the tourism sustainability criteria proposed by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) in order to provide guidance to communities on management strategies and safeguarding of tourism heritage in their regions. The objective is to assess the applicability of the criteria in rural settings, based on the hypothesis that even when the coincidences of needs may be similar,

    The first stage focuses on the Destination Criteria and Cultural Sustainability, and as a result, recommendations are proposed on how to provide support in the identification and implementation of the aforementioned criteria, contributing to the establishment and/or strengthening of sustainable tourism ventures. culturally, contributing to the safeguarding of heritage.

  • Norma Angélica Juárez Salomo
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