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Data collection on the impact of the BCG vaccine on the rate of tuberculosis cases worldwide


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Data collection on the impact of the BCG vaccine on the rate of tuberculosis cases worldwide

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592562222098

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    Objective: Caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Tuberculosis is a contagious and infectious disease, which mainly affects the lungs. Its only form of prevention is the BCG vaccine, which was created in 1912 by Léon Calmette and Alphonse Guérin, and its mass application prevents severe forms of the disease despite not offering 100% effectiveness. The main objective of the research is to collect and analyze data on the impact and effectiveness of the vaccine concerning the rates of cases of this pathology, worldwide.

    Methods: The study was carried out through a bibliographic survey of articles submitted and published on official websites. Subsequently, graphs and tables were made for the analysis, illustration, and presentation of the results obtained.

    Results: Mass BCG vaccination positively impacts tuberculosis rates worldwide. However, the decrease in cases of this pathology is mostly present in developed countries, when compared to those that are considered as developing, as a result of efficient public policies, better awareness programs, and easy access to diagnosis and treatment. In addition, there was a significant increase in cases of the disease due to interruption of treatment and non-adherence to vaccination.

    Conclusion: Although the effectiveness and impact of the vaccine are positive, public awareness of the importance of getting vaccinated is essential for the reduction of tuberculosis cases, as well as a possible future eradication.

  • Larissa Pena Lopes de Souza Ferreira
  • Maria Imaculada Bumba Gimbi
  • Natália Werthmuller Tinoco
  • Evanice Eliane Semedo Silva
  • Rute Alexandra Araújo da Costa Dominguez
  • Josiana Adelaide Vaz
  • Hadassa Cristhina de Azevedo Soares dos Santos
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