Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: Status epilepticus is defined as the presence of a convulsive crisis lasting more than 30 minutes, or the presence of several sub-entering seizures without recovery of consciousness between them (FONSECA, et al., 2022). Objective: Gather information about the neuronal damage present in status epilepticus. Result: This state has a great capacity for neuronal damage, generating definitive sequelae or not. The period in which neuronal damage begins is not exactly known, but studies in primates reveal that cytoarchitectural changes begin to be identified after 60 minutes of uncontrolled seizures (BLAKA et al., 2022). Conclusion: The possible sequelae are diverse, such as dysfunction of higher functions, such as cognition, and lower functions, such as motor control, balance and proprioception (DE CASTRO, 2021).

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593752318094

  • Palavras-chave: Status Epilepticus; Neural degeneration; Chronic brain injury.

  • Keywords: Status Epilepticus; Neural degeneration; Chronic brain injury.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Status epilepticus is defined as the presence of a convulsive crisis lasting more than 30 minutes, or the presence of several sub-entering seizures without recovery of consciousness between them (FONSECA, et al., 2022). Objective: Gather information about the neuronal damage present in status epilepticus. Result: This state has a great capacity for neuronal damage, generating definitive sequelae or not. The period in which neuronal damage begins is not exactly known, but studies in primates reveal that cytoarchitectural changes begin to be identified after 60 minutes of uncontrolled seizures (BLAKA et al., 2022). Conclusion: The possible sequelae are diverse, such as dysfunction of higher functions, such as cognition, and lower functions, such as motor control, balance and proprioception (DE CASTRO, 2021).

  • Alicia Viviana Mendez
  • Pedro Luís Nogueira da Silva
  • Luiz Gustavo Vieira Gonçalves
  • Samanttha Cristina da Silva Chaves
  • Raí Medeiros Veiga
  • Adrian Emanuel Rosales Mendez
  • Maria Vitória Lima Camilo
  • Larissa Cavalcanti de Andrade Nunes Mattos
  • Marcos Roberto Soares Filho
  • Renan Dantas Gonçalves da Silva
  • Gabriel Filgueiras Lima
  • Cassia Sousa Ferreira
  • Luiz Gustavo de Sant’Anna Santos
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