The organization of the learning of the training programs in the field of engineering consists of the curricular design in correspondence with the proposed professional profile, in which the learning results that are intended to be achieved by levels are determined, establishing a number of hours. (credits) in teaching activities, links with society and pre-professional practices. In Ecuador, the Council of Higher Education is the body that regulates degree training, which in the case of engineering, has presented variants from the years 2013-2017 to the present date (2023), determining changes in the total numbers. of hours and subjects that together can have a duration between 8 to 10 academic periods, this change in configuration has led most universities to establish training at the minimum level, that is, 8 academic periods, which represent 5760 hours in total, with a number of 40 subjects, these curricular adjustments were applied to all subjects, determining a new curricular organization. The study presented corresponds to a descriptive analysis to identify the changes between the curricular designs of engineering majors since the application of the 2017 academic regime regulations with the implementation of the curricular adjustments made and their results in terms of its implementation. Likewise, how this change represented an opportunity to create the Center for Basic Sciences at ``Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Carchi``, in 2020, non-existent at that time. This innovation process is presented as a preliminary scope of several other investigations that are being developed to determine the level of impact of curricular adjustments in undergraduate training in the field of engineering.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583402319103
Palavras-chave: Curriculum; curricular adjustment, engineering; basic sciences.
Keywords: Curriculum; curricular adjustment, engineering; basic sciences.
The organization of the learning of the training programs in the field of engineering consists of the curricular design in correspondence with the proposed professional profile, in which the learning results that are intended to be achieved by levels are determined, establishing a number of hours. (credits) in teaching activities, links with society and pre-professional practices. In Ecuador, the Council of Higher Education is the body that regulates degree training, which in the case of engineering, has presented variants from the years 2013-2017 to the present date (2023), determining changes in the total numbers. of hours and subjects that together can have a duration between 8 to 10 academic periods, this change in configuration has led most universities to establish training at the minimum level, that is, 8 academic periods, which represent 5760 hours in total, with a number of 40 subjects, these curricular adjustments were applied to all subjects, determining a new curricular organization. The study presented corresponds to a descriptive analysis to identify the changes between the curricular designs of engineering majors since the application of the 2017 academic regime regulations with the implementation of the curricular adjustments made and their results in terms of its implementation. Likewise, how this change represented an opportunity to create the Center for Basic Sciences at ``Universidad Politécnica del Estado de Carchi``, in 2020, non-existent at that time. This innovation process is presented as a preliminary scope of several other investigations that are being developed to determine the level of impact of curricular adjustments in undergraduate training in the field of engineering.
- Olga Teresa Sánchez Manosalvas