POLITICAL CULTURE AND POWER RELATIONS IN SÃO PAULO: an analysis of the social imaginary of São Paulo in the 1930s
This article highlights a sociological approach to the political history of São Paulo. Its objective is to affirm the long historical duration of political experiences, expanding to the universe of political culture, the debate that conditions events resulting from the 1930 Revolution in São Paulo, such as the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, to the simple ability to react of the agrarian elites who fought to restore their power.
POLITICAL CULTURE AND POWER RELATIONS IN SÃO PAULO: an analysis of the social imaginary of São Paulo in the 1930s
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163312322115
Palavras-chave: São Paulo; Cultura Política; Imaginário Social.
Keywords: São Paulo; Political Culture; Social Imaginary.
This article highlights a sociological approach to the political history of São Paulo. Its objective is to affirm the long historical duration of political experiences, expanding to the universe of political culture, the debate that conditions events resulting from the 1930 Revolution in São Paulo, such as the Constitutionalist Revolution of 1932, to the simple ability to react of the agrarian elites who fought to restore their power.
- Jonas Modesto de Abreu
- Silvano da Conceição