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Introduction: Systemic rheumatic diseases have seen great progress in their treatment over the last few decades, however some patients face limitations in their quality of life. Palliative care seeks to improve quality of life in advanced stages of these diseases, with rheumatologists playing a crucial role. The incorporation of this care into rheumatology practice is limited, highlighting the need to understand doctors' knowledge to improve care. Objective: Analyze scientific articles disseminated in online journals in the international and national scenario on the subject of palliative care and rheumatology. Methods: Integrative literature review, with data collection in the months of December 2023 and January 2024 in the LILACS, SCIELO and PubMed databases. 11 publications were identified that corresponded to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the work. Results: Palliative care in rheumatology is crucial due to the complexity and impact of chronic diseases, which can result in great physical and emotional suffering for patients. Individualized treatment, focused on the specific needs of each person, is essential to improve quality of life and provide a more dignified end to life. Conclusion: Palliative care in rheumatology is essential to alleviate suffering and improve patients' quality of life, highlighting the importance of investing in research and training to offer more comprehensive and effective care. 

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Rheumatology, Palliative Care, Autoimmune diseases.

  • Keywords: Rheumatology, Palliative Care, Autoimmune diseases.

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Systemic rheumatic diseases have seen great progress in their treatment over the last few decades, however some patients face limitations in their quality of life. Palliative care seeks to improve quality of life in advanced stages of these diseases, with rheumatologists playing a crucial role. The incorporation of this care into rheumatology practice is limited, highlighting the need to understand doctors' knowledge to improve care. Objective: Analyze scientific articles disseminated in online journals in the international and national scenario on the subject of palliative care and rheumatology. Methods: Integrative literature review, with data collection in the months of December 2023 and January 2024 in the LILACS, SCIELO and PubMed databases. 11 publications were identified that corresponded to the inclusion and exclusion criteria of the work. Results: Palliative care in rheumatology is crucial due to the complexity and impact of chronic diseases, which can result in great physical and emotional suffering for patients. Individualized treatment, focused on the specific needs of each person, is essential to improve quality of life and provide a more dignified end to life. Conclusion: Palliative care in rheumatology is essential to alleviate suffering and improve patients' quality of life, highlighting the importance of investing in research and training to offer more comprehensive and effective care. 

  • Maria Tayanne Parente Barbosa
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