Artigo - Atena Editora


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1.Introduction: changes in their epidemiological and demographic profiles, due to low mortality rates from infectious diseases, studies have signaled a rapid increase in the number of elderly people in Brazil. This process can be observed in developed and developing countries, which generates socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and epidemiological transformations. Unfortunately, in developing countries, this fact leads to social inequalities that require planning and public policies that focus on the elderly and their particularities, including the proximity of death and injuries that can lead to early finitude. 2- Objective: To understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the sector of Medical Clinic in Palliative Care with elderly people in finitude of a private hospital in the city of São Paulo that serves mostly elderly people. 3- Methodology - This was field research, exploratory and descriptive with a qualitative approach, which sought to describe palliative care for the elderly in their finitude and to understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the Internal Medicine sector in palliative care for the elderly. This study was carried out in a private hospital that provides services and assistance to the predominantly elderly population with different pathologies. It had the participation of 18 professionals who provide care to the hospitalized elderly, who agreed to participate in the study by signing the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE) and approval of CEP CAAE: 332959914.5.0000.5494. 4. Discussion -The transcription was carried out in the speech of the subjects using the words of significance in relation to the team's perception of palliative care through charts and diagrams, and later discussed in comparison to what the literature addresses in relation to the findings, through the analysis by Laurence Bardin.5. Conclusion - Through the results of this study, it was possible to describe and understand the actions and perceptions of the nursing team in the elderly in their finitude, the results of the research showed that the nursing team is not yet prepared to act in front of the elderly in a terminal phase, i.e. facing death.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593542319072

  • Palavras-chave: -

  • Keywords: -

  • Abstract:

    1.Introduction: changes in their epidemiological and demographic profiles, due to low mortality rates from infectious diseases, studies have signaled a rapid increase in the number of elderly people in Brazil. This process can be observed in developed and developing countries, which generates socioeconomic, cultural, demographic and epidemiological transformations. Unfortunately, in developing countries, this fact leads to social inequalities that require planning and public policies that focus on the elderly and their particularities, including the proximity of death and injuries that can lead to early finitude. 2- Objective: To understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the sector of Medical Clinic in Palliative Care with elderly people in finitude of a private hospital in the city of São Paulo that serves mostly elderly people. 3- Methodology - This was field research, exploratory and descriptive with a qualitative approach, which sought to describe palliative care for the elderly in their finitude and to understand the perceptions of the nursing team in the Internal Medicine sector in palliative care for the elderly. This study was carried out in a private hospital that provides services and assistance to the predominantly elderly population with different pathologies. It had the participation of 18 professionals who provide care to the hospitalized elderly, who agreed to participate in the study by signing the Free and Informed Consent Form (TCLE) and approval of CEP CAAE: 332959914.5.0000.5494. 4. Discussion -The transcription was carried out in the speech of the subjects using the words of significance in relation to the team's perception of palliative care through charts and diagrams, and later discussed in comparison to what the literature addresses in relation to the findings, through the analysis by Laurence Bardin.5. Conclusion - Through the results of this study, it was possible to describe and understand the actions and perceptions of the nursing team in the elderly in their finitude, the results of the research showed that the nursing team is not yet prepared to act in front of the elderly in a terminal phase, i.e. facing death.

  • Cristina Braga
  • Aloísio Olímpio
  • Karen Ruggeri Saad
  • Alessandro de Freitas
  • Maria José dos Reis
  • Carlos Alberto Ocon
  • Adriana Paula Jordão Isabella
  • Fernanda Sebastiana Pitanga
  • Magda Rodrigues Leal
  • Juliana de Oliveira Musse Silva
  • Marcelo Marreira
  • Maria Aurora Dias Gaspar
  • Cláudia Cristina Soares Muniz
  • Fábio da Silva Leão
  • Eduardo Filoni
  • Marcia Kiyomi Koike
  • Rosiana do Nascimento Pereira
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