Artigo - Atena Editora


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The continuous advancement in the complexity of surgical procedures in parallel with the increase in the population's life expectancy has led to a challenging scenario for anesthetic practice, requiring a careful preoperative assessment for the success of the surgery. In this context, the anesthesiologist plays a crucial role in the preparation and evaluation of patients, seeking to expand the scope of Anesthesiology by assuming responsibilities that were traditionally attributed to clinicians or cardiologists, aiming not only to improve the quality of care, but also to optimize the management of the process. Several anesthesiology services adopted the Just in Time management strategy 25 years ago to structure a preoperative assessment outpatient clinic, aiming to optimize service time, maintain quality and reduce costs. With a multidisciplinary team and an immediate support system to complement clinical investigation, the service seeks to increase productivity, reduce hospitalization time and minimize unnecessary procedures, meeting both the needs of patients and professionals involved in providing medical care.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Outpatient clinic, Anesthesiology, Surgery.

  • Keywords: Outpatient clinic, Anesthesiology, Surgery.

  • Abstract:

    The continuous advancement in the complexity of surgical procedures in parallel with the increase in the population's life expectancy has led to a challenging scenario for anesthetic practice, requiring a careful preoperative assessment for the success of the surgery. In this context, the anesthesiologist plays a crucial role in the preparation and evaluation of patients, seeking to expand the scope of Anesthesiology by assuming responsibilities that were traditionally attributed to clinicians or cardiologists, aiming not only to improve the quality of care, but also to optimize the management of the process. Several anesthesiology services adopted the Just in Time management strategy 25 years ago to structure a preoperative assessment outpatient clinic, aiming to optimize service time, maintain quality and reduce costs. With a multidisciplinary team and an immediate support system to complement clinical investigation, the service seeks to increase productivity, reduce hospitalization time and minimize unnecessary procedures, meeting both the needs of patients and professionals involved in providing medical care.

  • Erik Bernardes Moreira Alves
  • Carlos Eduardo Silvestre Amthauer
  • Mariana Rodovalho Parra
  • Edson Pereira dos Santos Junior
  • Carlos Eduardo Barcelos Dossa
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