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capa do ebook Crew resource management (CRM) as a tool for patient safety in health

Crew resource management (CRM) as a tool for patient safety in health

The human factor and its performance limitations are the main points attributed to the magnitude of adverse events that we face in the health system today.

This situation was experienced by aviation in past decades when, through the identification of the need to train professionals in non-technical skills, they began a successful trajectory towards safer aviation, then training in crew resource management (CRM) was born.

In this article we aim to make an analogy between the two sectors (health and aviation), learn from points already achieved by aviation, understand what the literature in the sector brings us about the current scenario of CRM training in the health area and, from these reflections, to propose an agenda for the incorporation of CRM in the training of professionals directly or indirectly involved in the care of patients.

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Crew resource management (CRM) as a tool for patient safety in health

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592492219085

  • Palavras-chave: Safety, crew resource management, training, error, adverse event

  • Keywords: Safety, crew resource management, training, error, adverse event

  • Abstract:

    The human factor and its performance limitations are the main points attributed to the magnitude of adverse events that we face in the health system today.

    This situation was experienced by aviation in past decades when, through the identification of the need to train professionals in non-technical skills, they began a successful trajectory towards safer aviation, then training in crew resource management (CRM) was born.

    In this article we aim to make an analogy between the two sectors (health and aviation), learn from points already achieved by aviation, understand what the literature in the sector brings us about the current scenario of CRM training in the health area and, from these reflections, to propose an agenda for the incorporation of CRM in the training of professionals directly or indirectly involved in the care of patients.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Jose Mauro Fonseca Pestana
  • Valter Carneiro da Cunha Daiello Moreira
  • Thiago Gomes Romano
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