Artigo - Atena Editora


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Introduction: Covid-19 is a disease that became popularly known in the year 2020, its etiological agent being Sars-Cov-2, a positive RNA virus from the coronavirus family, causing infections in the respiratory tract. Easy to spread, Covid soon spread around the world and, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization decreed the state of a pandemic. Clinical manifestations can range from asymptomatic to severe pneumonia, requiring admission to intensive care units and ventilatory support. Pregnancy is a condition that involves several physiological changes in the woman's body, requiring monitoring by health services for a good outcome for the maternal-fetal binomial. Pregnant women fall into the risk group for Covid-19 and require attention when infected by the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Objectives: Discuss the clinical manifestations, main complications and obstetric outcomes in pregnant women with Covid-19. Methods: The study consists of an integrative review of the existing literature through Google Scholar, Scielo and PubMed databases. Discussion: The main clinical manifestations observed in pregnant women infected with Sars-Cov-2 were fever and cough, and may also present dyspnea, diarrhea and anosmia in smaller proportions. With regard to obstetric complications, the ones that stood out the most were the PE LIKE syndrome, which simulates preeclampsia, the main gestational hypertensive disease, and the higher incidence of preterm births. The number of cesarean sections increased in pregnant women infected with the new coronavirus when compared to pregnancies without a diagnosis of Covid-19. Conclusion: The analyzed articles demonstrate that Covid-19 is related to the increase in the number of obstetric complications, mainly in the severe forms of the disease. Faced with this scenario, a rapid diagnosis is of paramount importance so that the demand for health services is encouraged and both the mother and the baby do not suffer any type of sequel.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593372329059

  • Palavras-chave: “Covid-19” “Pregnancy”

  • Keywords: “Covid-19” “Pregnancy”

  • Abstract:

    Introduction: Covid-19 is a disease that became popularly known in the year 2020, its etiological agent being Sars-Cov-2, a positive RNA virus from the coronavirus family, causing infections in the respiratory tract. Easy to spread, Covid soon spread around the world and, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization decreed the state of a pandemic. Clinical manifestations can range from asymptomatic to severe pneumonia, requiring admission to intensive care units and ventilatory support. Pregnancy is a condition that involves several physiological changes in the woman's body, requiring monitoring by health services for a good outcome for the maternal-fetal binomial. Pregnant women fall into the risk group for Covid-19 and require attention when infected by the Sars-Cov-2 virus. Objectives: Discuss the clinical manifestations, main complications and obstetric outcomes in pregnant women with Covid-19. Methods: The study consists of an integrative review of the existing literature through Google Scholar, Scielo and PubMed databases. Discussion: The main clinical manifestations observed in pregnant women infected with Sars-Cov-2 were fever and cough, and may also present dyspnea, diarrhea and anosmia in smaller proportions. With regard to obstetric complications, the ones that stood out the most were the PE LIKE syndrome, which simulates preeclampsia, the main gestational hypertensive disease, and the higher incidence of preterm births. The number of cesarean sections increased in pregnant women infected with the new coronavirus when compared to pregnancies without a diagnosis of Covid-19. Conclusion: The analyzed articles demonstrate that Covid-19 is related to the increase in the number of obstetric complications, mainly in the severe forms of the disease. Faced with this scenario, a rapid diagnosis is of paramount importance so that the demand for health services is encouraged and both the mother and the baby do not suffer any type of sequel.

  • Leonardo Volpe Hungerbuhler Pessoa
  • Roberto L. H. Pessôa
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