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Covid-19 and the new modes of interaction in palliative care

In the current world scenario, we are witnessing efforts of societies to face the Covid-19 pandemic. The forced social distancing has several impacts on social life, which intensifies the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The objective of the study was to monitor the social dynamics in a pandemic scenario in order to project new trends in the assistance processes in palliative care. Bibliographic, documentary, and telematized research is used. In the Brazilian context, the incorporation of technologies aimed at quality of life tends to definitively mediate the relationship between palliative care and its assisted public. It is concluded that the intensive use of ICT has two facets: they add and facilitate communication between people, groups and services and, at the same time, are unevenly distributed among the population, making them inaccessible. It is affirmed as necessary to reduce asymmetries through the establishment of public policies.

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Covid-19 and the new modes of interaction in palliative care

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.01591221115101

  • Palavras-chave: Information and communication technologies; telemedicine; palliative care; Covid-19.

  • Keywords: Information and communication technologies; telemedicine; palliative care; Covid-19.

  • Abstract:

    In the current world scenario, we are witnessing efforts of societies to face the Covid-19 pandemic. The forced social distancing has several impacts on social life, which intensifies the use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The objective of the study was to monitor the social dynamics in a pandemic scenario in order to project new trends in the assistance processes in palliative care. Bibliographic, documentary, and telematized research is used. In the Brazilian context, the incorporation of technologies aimed at quality of life tends to definitively mediate the relationship between palliative care and its assisted public. It is concluded that the intensive use of ICT has two facets: they add and facilitate communication between people, groups and services and, at the same time, are unevenly distributed among the population, making them inaccessible. It is affirmed as necessary to reduce asymmetries through the establishment of public policies.

  • Número de páginas: 15

  • Aline Baptista Aguiar
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