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Acute abdomen can be defined as sudden abdominal pain, of non-traumatic origin, accompanied or not by other symptoms, varying in intensity and lasting up to seven days. Within this diagnosis, there are cases of intestinal ischemia, which consists of the interruption of the arterial blood supply to the intestinal loops, usually of thromboembolic etiology, which can cause death and necrosis of large areas. Thus, the objective of this review was to evaluate the predictive value of the lactate biomarker in the diagnosis of intestinal ischemia. With the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 articles were selected in PubMed, 04 in the VHL and none in the DOAJ, totaling 19 articles. The descriptors chosen for the search for articles on the platforms were “predictive value”, “lactate” and “intestinal ischemia”, connected by the Boolean operator “AND”. Of the 19 studies analyzed, 15 treat lactate as a marker with positive predictive value for the diagnosis of intestinal ischemia. On the other hand, 4 studies suggest that lactate has a Negative predictive value. Thus, lactate proved to be an important diagnostic tool for intestinal ischemia. However, its analysis must be associated with a quality physical examination and anamnesis. It is not possible to use this serological marker alone for the definitive diagnosis of any vascular involvement of the gastrointestinal tract. In terms of its high sensitivity, the predominant predictive value of lactate is Positive. 

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592172221035

  • Palavras-chave: Predictive value; lactate; intestinal ischemia.

  • Keywords: Predictive value; lactate; intestinal ischemia.

  • Abstract:

    Acute abdomen can be defined as sudden abdominal pain, of non-traumatic origin, accompanied or not by other symptoms, varying in intensity and lasting up to seven days. Within this diagnosis, there are cases of intestinal ischemia, which consists of the interruption of the arterial blood supply to the intestinal loops, usually of thromboembolic etiology, which can cause death and necrosis of large areas. Thus, the objective of this review was to evaluate the predictive value of the lactate biomarker in the diagnosis of intestinal ischemia. With the application of the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 15 articles were selected in PubMed, 04 in the VHL and none in the DOAJ, totaling 19 articles. The descriptors chosen for the search for articles on the platforms were “predictive value”, “lactate” and “intestinal ischemia”, connected by the Boolean operator “AND”. Of the 19 studies analyzed, 15 treat lactate as a marker with positive predictive value for the diagnosis of intestinal ischemia. On the other hand, 4 studies suggest that lactate has a Negative predictive value. Thus, lactate proved to be an important diagnostic tool for intestinal ischemia. However, its analysis must be associated with a quality physical examination and anamnesis. It is not possible to use this serological marker alone for the definitive diagnosis of any vascular involvement of the gastrointestinal tract. In terms of its high sensitivity, the predominant predictive value of lactate is Positive. 

  • Número de páginas: 12

  • Aline Rodrigues Julião Iost
  • Ronald de Oliveira
  • Shalline Hermes Sampaio
  • Paulo Roberto Hernandes Júnior
  • Patrick de Abreu Cunha Lopes
  • Paula Rangel Luna
  • Douglas Ribeiro Sabadini
  • Rossy Moreira Bastos Junior
  • Paula Pitta de Resende Côrtes
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