Contributions of the Intervention of the Specialist Nurse in Child Health in Parental Training
Introduction: Early childhood is decisive in the development of the human being, since it is at this stage that determining principles for later learning are acquired. Although there are innate abilities, there are others that result from the interaction between human beings. Thus, learning and intense stimulation in early childhood are essential for optimal learning. The transition to parenthood is challenging as it requires drastic changes in personal and family dynamics, due to new responsibilities and routines. The support and information provided by nurses are essential to ease this transition. Objective: To identify support programs for parental training at promchild development option. The methodology used was aintegrative review through research in the EBSCOhost® and B-On databases in the last 10 years, using the PI[C]OS methodology. According to the established inclusion criteria, 7 articles were found. results:The articles highlighted the importance of support programs for the training of parents, contributing to the reduction of parental stress and increasing the effectiveness of parenting. Conclusion: Parental training programs in groups or home visits are recommended and we consider them to be an early investment in children's lives, as they are promising for their development.
Contributions of the Intervention of the Specialist Nurse in Child Health in Parental Training
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593412301068
Palavras-chave: Nursing, Parenting, Child Development.
Keywords: Nursing, Parenting, Child Development.
Introduction: Early childhood is decisive in the development of the human being, since it is at this stage that determining principles for later learning are acquired. Although there are innate abilities, there are others that result from the interaction between human beings. Thus, learning and intense stimulation in early childhood are essential for optimal learning. The transition to parenthood is challenging as it requires drastic changes in personal and family dynamics, due to new responsibilities and routines. The support and information provided by nurses are essential to ease this transition. Objective: To identify support programs for parental training at promchild development option. The methodology used was aintegrative review through research in the EBSCOhost® and B-On databases in the last 10 years, using the PI[C]OS methodology. According to the established inclusion criteria, 7 articles were found. results:The articles highlighted the importance of support programs for the training of parents, contributing to the reduction of parental stress and increasing the effectiveness of parenting. Conclusion: Parental training programs in groups or home visits are recommended and we consider them to be an early investment in children's lives, as they are promising for their development.
- Maria Antonia Fernandes Caeiro Chora
- Claudia Isabel Nilha Farias Ruas