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Contribution of b-learning to promoting success - the case of Management Accounting in the Information Systems course

Promoting the attentive and active participation of students in the classroom, theoretical and practical, was the main theme of the challenge faced by the Management Accounting teacher. In this sense, some active learning practices were created that led to better student performance and a collaborative and monitored learning process throughout the semester. 
The introduction of analytical accounting software stimulated practical classes, appealing to the profile of the student of the Degree in Information Systems Management course more oriented towards New Information Technologies (NTIC), promoting greater involvement and understanding of learning (Gomes, 2014; Tatlı, İpek Akbulut & Altınışık, 2019) of management accounting as an information subsystem essential to the production of internal, relevant, useful and timely information in the organization.
The methodology adopted in the classroom consisted of the use of whiteboard, google classroom, kahoot and socrative through interaction between teacher and students through the submission of small questionnaires on the subject given in class, allowing to measure in real time whether students were acquire the knowledge taught. The results obtained prove that students became more interested in learning and the higher level of approvals compared to previous years attests to this situation.
This work is structured as follows: the contextualization of the case, the theoretical foundation in which it fits, the description of the pedagogical practice, objectives and target audience, methodology, evaluation of the results obtained, results, implications and recommendations, conclusions and references.

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Contribution of b-learning to promoting success - the case of Management Accounting in the Information Systems course

  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Accounting, B-learning, Technologies

  • Keywords: Accounting, B-learning, Technologies

  • Abstract:

    Promoting the attentive and active participation of students in the classroom, theoretical and practical, was the main theme of the challenge faced by the Management Accounting teacher. In this sense, some active learning practices were created that led to better student performance and a collaborative and monitored learning process throughout the semester. 
    The introduction of analytical accounting software stimulated practical classes, appealing to the profile of the student of the Degree in Information Systems Management course more oriented towards New Information Technologies (NTIC), promoting greater involvement and understanding of learning (Gomes, 2014; Tatlı, İpek Akbulut & Altınışık, 2019) of management accounting as an information subsystem essential to the production of internal, relevant, useful and timely information in the organization.
    The methodology adopted in the classroom consisted of the use of whiteboard, google classroom, kahoot and socrative through interaction between teacher and students through the submission of small questionnaires on the subject given in class, allowing to measure in real time whether students were acquire the knowledge taught. The results obtained prove that students became more interested in learning and the higher level of approvals compared to previous years attests to this situation.
    This work is structured as follows: the contextualization of the case, the theoretical foundation in which it fits, the description of the pedagogical practice, objectives and target audience, methodology, evaluation of the results obtained, results, implications and recommendations, conclusions and references.

  • Sidalina Maria dos Santos Gonçalves
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