Artigo - Atena Editora


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Blood is a special type of connective tissue, associated with several specific functions, consisting of 55% plasma and 45% cellular elements, such as erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and a small portion of reticulocytes. of maturation.

The importance of blood as an element of life lies in its use in clinical applications, namely, transfusions, differentiated collection of certain blood elements, and also in the specific treatment of certain hematological diseases.

Reticulocytes are released into the bloodstream in response to erythrocyte deficits and are a preferred element in the diagnosis of different types of anemias, as an early marker of graft in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, also allowing the assessment of bone marrow function.

Our study aimed to count reticulocytes from buffy coats obtained from blood donors, with subsequent evaluation of the Corrected Reticulocyte Value (VRC) and the Reticulocyte Production Index (IPR), in order to assess the spinal cord response after the donation.

In this study, in all samples, a percentage of corrected reticulocytes greater than 1.5% was found, clinically considered as reticulocytosis. Regarding the value of the Reticulocyte Production Index, which is the most representative value of the medullary activity, it was found that the majority of donors (84.6%) presented an IPR value =>3 and 15.4% of the donors showed an IPR <=2, with a percentage of reticulocytes >1.5% (r=0.946 p<0.01), which denotes an increased response of the organism to the donation.

The determination of the erythrocyte/reticulocyte ratio from a donor buffy coat can be a way of evaluating and monitoring bone marrow recovery after donation.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592582229092

  • Palavras-chave: human buffy coat, reticulocytes, VRC, IPR

  • Keywords: human buffy coat, reticulocytes, VRC, IPR

  • Abstract:

    Blood is a special type of connective tissue, associated with several specific functions, consisting of 55% plasma and 45% cellular elements, such as erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets and a small portion of reticulocytes. of maturation.

    The importance of blood as an element of life lies in its use in clinical applications, namely, transfusions, differentiated collection of certain blood elements, and also in the specific treatment of certain hematological diseases.

    Reticulocytes are released into the bloodstream in response to erythrocyte deficits and are a preferred element in the diagnosis of different types of anemias, as an early marker of graft in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, also allowing the assessment of bone marrow function.

    Our study aimed to count reticulocytes from buffy coats obtained from blood donors, with subsequent evaluation of the Corrected Reticulocyte Value (VRC) and the Reticulocyte Production Index (IPR), in order to assess the spinal cord response after the donation.

    In this study, in all samples, a percentage of corrected reticulocytes greater than 1.5% was found, clinically considered as reticulocytosis. Regarding the value of the Reticulocyte Production Index, which is the most representative value of the medullary activity, it was found that the majority of donors (84.6%) presented an IPR value =>3 and 15.4% of the donors showed an IPR <=2, with a percentage of reticulocytes >1.5% (r=0.946 p<0.01), which denotes an increased response of the organism to the donation.

    The determination of the erythrocyte/reticulocyte ratio from a donor buffy coat can be a way of evaluating and monitoring bone marrow recovery after donation.

  • Alexandra Mónica Bastos Viana da Costa
  • Leonel Leandro Mendes
  • Maria Gonçalves
  • Maria Fernanda Beirão
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