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Pharmacology Student Congresses and the importance of multidisciplinary participation

This year the XXVIII Student Congress of Pharmacology was held, an event organized by the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy of the National Polytechnic Institute; The venue for this edition was the Faculty of Medicine of `` Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México``. In this work we focus on the participation of the students, specifically in the exposition of pharmacological topics in poster mode. The objective was to identify the topics of interest of the participants, as well as the type of approach. Methodology: a compilation of the papers presented on the poster was made and they were categorized according to their content. Results: 61.24% of the students chose bibliographic research, 17.98% presented preclinical work, followed by clinical work with 11.23%, emerging technologies 5.62%, cell line 1.69%, educational activities 1.12%, pharmacovigilance 0.56%, and product development 0.56%. The call was for students of various degrees in the health field, convinced of the need to establish multidisciplinary work from the professional training process.

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Pharmacology Student Congresses and the importance of multidisciplinary participation

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593692304093

  • Palavras-chave: health sciences students, training process, multidisciplinary work

  • Keywords: health sciences students, training process, multidisciplinary work

  • Abstract:

    This year the XXVIII Student Congress of Pharmacology was held, an event organized by the National School of Medicine and Homeopathy of the National Polytechnic Institute; The venue for this edition was the Faculty of Medicine of `` Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México``. In this work we focus on the participation of the students, specifically in the exposition of pharmacological topics in poster mode. The objective was to identify the topics of interest of the participants, as well as the type of approach. Methodology: a compilation of the papers presented on the poster was made and they were categorized according to their content. Results: 61.24% of the students chose bibliographic research, 17.98% presented preclinical work, followed by clinical work with 11.23%, emerging technologies 5.62%, cell line 1.69%, educational activities 1.12%, pharmacovigilance 0.56%, and product development 0.56%. The call was for students of various degrees in the health field, convinced of the need to establish multidisciplinary work from the professional training process.

  • Gabriela Fernández Saavedra
  • María Oralia Acuña Dávila
  • Celestino García Galindo
  • Ana María Vázquez Álvarez
  • Beatriz Georgina Montemayor Flores
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