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Conceptions about the role of kindergarten teachers and parents in playing outside and exploring Nature

Gone are the days when children played in the street without excessive concerns from adults. Currently, trapped in an anxious society, a large number of children are not free to explore alone or assess the risks of their games. Free play in nature enhances unlimited opportunities for exploration that contribute to the child's holistic development. Therefore, we present a study carried out with children aged 4 and 5 years old, which aims to understand the role of adults in playing in nature and what implications it has for children's development and learning. This is an investigative essay of a qualitative nature, which has as its starting question “What is the role of adults in playing outside and exploring nature by children?”. Regarding the objectives, the aim is to understand the conceptions of parents and educators regarding children's contact with nature and to reflect on the role of adults in exploring nature. The results of this study were obtained through questionnaire surveys and interviews that reveal that adults have an active role in children's exploration of nature, from which it was concluded that adults must know how to distance themselves and adopt an observer role, allowing for the child to take risks and explore, making significant discoveries and learning, outdoors and in nature.

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Conceptions about the role of kindergarten teachers and parents in playing outside and exploring Nature

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.5583402319104

  • Palavras-chave: Learning, Playing, Exploration, Nature, Risk

  • Keywords: Learning, Playing, Exploration, Nature, Risk

  • Abstract:

    Gone are the days when children played in the street without excessive concerns from adults. Currently, trapped in an anxious society, a large number of children are not free to explore alone or assess the risks of their games. Free play in nature enhances unlimited opportunities for exploration that contribute to the child's holistic development. Therefore, we present a study carried out with children aged 4 and 5 years old, which aims to understand the role of adults in playing in nature and what implications it has for children's development and learning. This is an investigative essay of a qualitative nature, which has as its starting question “What is the role of adults in playing outside and exploring nature by children?”. Regarding the objectives, the aim is to understand the conceptions of parents and educators regarding children's contact with nature and to reflect on the role of adults in exploring nature. The results of this study were obtained through questionnaire surveys and interviews that reveal that adults have an active role in children's exploration of nature, from which it was concluded that adults must know how to distance themselves and adopt an observer role, allowing for the child to take risks and explore, making significant discoveries and learning, outdoors and in nature.

  • Luís Miguel Gonçalves de Oliveira
  • Leandra Ribeiro Faustino
  • Carolina Soares Martins
  • Miguel Oliveira
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