Artigo - Atena Editora


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The generation of organic waste in a reality. This way, it is important to find efficient management ways for an adequate destination of this waste. Recycling through the composting method is presented as a viable alternative to meet the high volume of organic waste produced. In addition, composting is established as an essential tool to develop the Environmental Education theme. In this context, this study aimed to sensitize public school students through composting practices as an Environmental Education instrument to develop preservation attitudes and environmental awareness of the environment around them. A total of 14 public schools were contemplated, with exposure of lectures and practice related to the theme. The students were very receptive, interested and committed, from choosing the location for the composter to be set up, assembling the windrows, monitoring the composter together with school employees, to the final production of the organic fertilizer that was later used in the vegetable garden. of institutions. With the development of EE activities, students were able to increase their environmental awareness in relation to environmental issues.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.9733112319076

  • Palavras-chave: Apprenticeship; Public school; Rondônia; Sustainability.

  • Keywords: Apprenticeship; Public school; Rondônia; Sustainability.

  • Abstract:

    The generation of organic waste in a reality. This way, it is important to find efficient management ways for an adequate destination of this waste. Recycling through the composting method is presented as a viable alternative to meet the high volume of organic waste produced. In addition, composting is established as an essential tool to develop the Environmental Education theme. In this context, this study aimed to sensitize public school students through composting practices as an Environmental Education instrument to develop preservation attitudes and environmental awareness of the environment around them. A total of 14 public schools were contemplated, with exposure of lectures and practice related to the theme. The students were very receptive, interested and committed, from choosing the location for the composter to be set up, assembling the windrows, monitoring the composter together with school employees, to the final production of the organic fertilizer that was later used in the vegetable garden. of institutions. With the development of EE activities, students were able to increase their environmental awareness in relation to environmental issues.

  • Santina Rodrigues Santana
  • Zeani Veloso
  • Mikael Antônio Vieira
  • Venicio Favoretti
  • Wanderson Félix da Silva
  • Wesclen Nogueira Vilar
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