Artigo - Atena Editora


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The floristic survey is applied in scientific studies and technical work to recognize the richness of botanical species in a given environment, essential for subsequent environmental studies, both for conservation and land use. The methods for developing the floristic survey used for comparison were pre-determined free walking and fixed sample plots, carried out in a preserved urban green area, covered by Semideciduous Seasonal Forest belonging to the Atlantic Forest Biome domain, in Maringá-PR. The aim of this work was to verify the difference between the number of species identified and the time spent in the field to carry out the floristic survey, between the pre-determined free walking method and the fixed sample plots method. With both methods, young individuals, with more than 1 m in height and Breast Height Perimeter (BAP) <15cm, and adult individuals, with PAP ≥ 15 cm of native tree species were recorded on different field days. and exotic. 48 species were identified among adult individuals and 52 among young individuals using the free walking method, in 6 hours of sampling effort in the field for each group of individuals, while 32 species were identified among adult individuals and 45 among young individuals using the fixed sampling plot method, in 8 hours of sampling effort in the field for each group of individuals plus 9 hours to demarcate the sample plots. Therefore, both methods were efficient, however, the free walking method was more effective as it identified more species with less sampling effort in the urban green area considered for this study. The exclusive species identified by each method or group of individuals considered, young or adult, confirms that the methods applied are complementary and important to identify a greater number of species and rare species or those distributed in more specific locations in the sampling area considered.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Biogeography; Atlantic forest; Semideciduous Seasonal Forest; Species richness; Tree Species.

  • Keywords: Biogeography; Atlantic forest; Semideciduous Seasonal Forest; Species richness; Tree Species.

  • Abstract:

    The floristic survey is applied in scientific studies and technical work to recognize the richness of botanical species in a given environment, essential for subsequent environmental studies, both for conservation and land use. The methods for developing the floristic survey used for comparison were pre-determined free walking and fixed sample plots, carried out in a preserved urban green area, covered by Semideciduous Seasonal Forest belonging to the Atlantic Forest Biome domain, in Maringá-PR. The aim of this work was to verify the difference between the number of species identified and the time spent in the field to carry out the floristic survey, between the pre-determined free walking method and the fixed sample plots method. With both methods, young individuals, with more than 1 m in height and Breast Height Perimeter (BAP) <15cm, and adult individuals, with PAP ≥ 15 cm of native tree species were recorded on different field days. and exotic. 48 species were identified among adult individuals and 52 among young individuals using the free walking method, in 6 hours of sampling effort in the field for each group of individuals, while 32 species were identified among adult individuals and 45 among young individuals using the fixed sampling plot method, in 8 hours of sampling effort in the field for each group of individuals plus 9 hours to demarcate the sample plots. Therefore, both methods were efficient, however, the free walking method was more effective as it identified more species with less sampling effort in the urban green area considered for this study. The exclusive species identified by each method or group of individuals considered, young or adult, confirms that the methods applied are complementary and important to identify a greater number of species and rare species or those distributed in more specific locations in the sampling area considered.

  • Dalton Nasser Muhammad Zeidan
  • Renan Valério Eduvirgem
  • Maria Eugênia Moreira Costa Ferreira
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