Introducción: Las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles (ECNT) son de etiologías multifactoriales como genéticos, fisiológicos, ambientales y conductuales, y de larga evolución que afectó a 41 millones de personas en el 2018 y se han convertido de las principales causas de mortalidad a nivel mundial. Entre los factores de riesgo modificables de características comportamentales tenemos presentes el uso nocivo de alcohol, las dietas inadecuadas, la inactividad física y consumo de tabaco.
Hay tres componentes esenciales de la vigilancia de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles constituyen un marco que todos los países deberían establecer y consolidar: la monitorización de las exposiciones (factores de riesgo); la monitorización de los resultados (morbilidad y mortalidad específica de enfermedades) y las respuestas del sistema sanitario.
Objetivo: Determinar el efecto de la participación comunitaria en la salud, como estrategia de prevención y control de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles.
Metodología: Estudio cualitativo de tipo descriptivo – analítico, en donde se describe y analiza la participación comunitaria en salud, como estrategia de prevención y control de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles.
Discusión: En nuestra postura crítica se considera a la actuación de la participación en el ámbito de la salud, es fundamental; debido a que la propia comunidad es la que vela por la salud colectiva, individual y familiar de una población, y la propia comunidad es la responsable de identificar dichos problemas de salud y poder plantear propuestas para modificar los estilos de vida y alcanzar un óptimo estado de salud.
Conclusión: La participación comunitaria es la piedra angular de la atención primaria en salud y el manejo integral de salud, en la prevención y control de las enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles, para evitar la manifestación de estas o las complicaciones de las mismas.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592512201098
Palavras-chave: Health, community participation, chronic non-communicable diseases, community well-being.
Keywords: Health, community participation, chronic non-communicable diseases, community well-being.
Introduction: Chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD) are of multifactorial etiologies such as genetic, physiological, environmental and behavioral, and of long evolution that affected 41 million people in 2018 and have become the main causes of mortality worldwide. Among the modifiable risk factors of behavioral characteristics we have in mind the harmful use of alcohol, inadequate diets, physical inactivity and tobacco use.
Three essential components of chronic noncommunicable disease surveillance constitute a framework that all countries must establish and consolidate: monitoring of exposures (risk factors); the monitoring of the results (morbidity and mortality specific to diseases) and the responses of the health system.
Goal: To determine the effect of community participation in health, as a strategy for the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases.
Methodology: Qualitative descriptive-analytical study, where community participation in health is described and analyzed as a strategy for the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases.
Discussion: In our critical posture, the performance of participation in the field of health is considered fundamental; because the community itself is the one that watches over the collective, individual and family health of a population, and the community itself is responsible for identifying said health problems and being able to propose proposals to modify lifestyles and achieve an optimal state of health.
Conclusion:Community participation is the cornerstone of primary health care and comprehensive health management, in the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases, to avoid their manifestation or complications.
Three essential components of chronic noncommunicable disease surveillance constitute a framework that all countries should establish and consolidate: monitoring of exposures (risk factors); monitoring of outcomes (disease-specific morbidity and mortality); and health system responses.
Objective: To determine the effect of community participation in health as a strategy for prevention and control of chronic noncommunicable diseases.
Methodology: Qualitative descriptive-analytical study, in which community participation in health is described and analyzed as a strategy for the prevention and control of chronic non-communicable diseases.
Discussion: In our critical position, participation in health is considered fundamental, since the community itself is the one that watches over the collective, individual and family health of a population, and the community itself is responsible for identifying health problems and being able to make proposals to modify lifestyles and achieve an optimal state of health.
Conclusion: Community participation is the cornerstone of primary health care and integrated health management, in the prevention and control of chronic noncommunicable diseases, to avoid their manifestation or complications.
Número de páginas: 14
- Darwin Daniel Campos Gonzalez
- Carlos Alberto Chacón Sánchez
- Hugo Patricio Peña Ochoa
- María Belén Alvarado Mora.
- Jorge Armando García Maldonado.
- María José Alvarado Terreros
- María Fernanda Alvarado Mora
- Carlos Arturo Gonzága Yupangui
- Priscilla Elizabeth Ojeda Flor
- Elsy Liliana Carrión Arévalo.
- Ximena Verenisse Quezada Ruiz
- Yamilé Katherine Pacheco Serrano.