Artigo - Atena Editora


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This article, concluded in the subject Completion of Course Work (TCC II), of the graduation course in Biological Sciences of the Distance Education Center of ‘’Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina’’, has as main objective to evaluate the consequences of the disposal of fuels fossils to marine life. The methodology used is exploratory and bibliographical research with a qualitative approach. The results indicate that marine animals are hostages of all pollution. Effects observed in the short, medium and long term, such as death, intoxication, impossibility of reproduction, lack of food, choking, among other serious problems, are consequences of anthropic actions. We conclude that some sustainable alternatives can be used as possible solutions to the replacement of raw materials based on fossil fuels and, therefore, avoid the consumption of products produced with them, that is, alternatives to reduce the pollution caused by the excessive consumption of fossil fuels. packaging, plastic bags, greenhouse gases, etc. Energy produced with non-renewable inputs has viable possibilities with other renewable sources such as wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy. Economic development needs to be in tune with the conservation and preservation of natural resources combined with joint actions in relation to sustainability.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.813322308022

  • Palavras-chave: Fossil fuels. Environmental impact. Marine ecosystems.

  • Keywords: Fossil fuels. Environmental impact. Marine ecosystems.

  • Abstract:

    This article, concluded in the subject Completion of Course Work (TCC II), of the graduation course in Biological Sciences of the Distance Education Center of ‘’Universidade Estadual de Santa Catarina’’, has as main objective to evaluate the consequences of the disposal of fuels fossils to marine life. The methodology used is exploratory and bibliographical research with a qualitative approach. The results indicate that marine animals are hostages of all pollution. Effects observed in the short, medium and long term, such as death, intoxication, impossibility of reproduction, lack of food, choking, among other serious problems, are consequences of anthropic actions. We conclude that some sustainable alternatives can be used as possible solutions to the replacement of raw materials based on fossil fuels and, therefore, avoid the consumption of products produced with them, that is, alternatives to reduce the pollution caused by the excessive consumption of fossil fuels. packaging, plastic bags, greenhouse gases, etc. Energy produced with non-renewable inputs has viable possibilities with other renewable sources such as wind energy, solar energy, hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy. Economic development needs to be in tune with the conservation and preservation of natural resources combined with joint actions in relation to sustainability.

  • Adriana da Silva Felipe
  • Ana Maria Camargo Batista da Silva
  • Soeli Francisca Mazzini Mante Blanco
  • Ana Waley Mendonça
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