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Classification of satellite images for deforestation regions in northeastern Pará using deep learning technique

It is estimated that the Legal Amazon covers about 60% of the Brazilian territory and is home to 21 million inhabitants, 12% of the total population, of which 70% live in cities and towns, where high rates of deforestation are found in the northeast of the state. from Pará. This study presents a classification algorithm for degraded images using an image database provided by the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS) to justify the objective of favorable conditions in the provision of environmental services in deforested areas using the computational implementation of learning machine in order to promote technological advancement through remote sensing.

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Classification of satellite images for deforestation regions in northeastern Pará using deep learning technique

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317332305012

  • Palavras-chave: Deforestation, deep learning, agricultural production, artificial intelligence.

  • Keywords: Deforestation, deep learning, agricultural production, artificial intelligence.

  • Abstract:

    It is estimated that the Legal Amazon covers about 60% of the Brazilian territory and is home to 21 million inhabitants, 12% of the total population, of which 70% live in cities and towns, where high rates of deforestation are found in the northeast of the state. from Pará. This study presents a classification algorithm for degraded images using an image database provided by the State Secretariat for the Environment and Sustainability (SEMAS) to justify the objective of favorable conditions in the provision of environmental services in deforested areas using the computational implementation of learning machine in order to promote technological advancement through remote sensing.nsing.

  • João Crisostomo Weyl Albuquerque Costa
  • Reginaldo Cordeiro dos Santos Filho
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