Artigo - Atena Editora


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Paraendodontic surgery is a technique responsible for treating the failures of traditional endodontics. This modality seeks to remove the infectious etiological agent and regenerate tissues in the periapical region. Therefore, it is considered a conservative technique as it values the maintenance of the tooth in the oral cavity. The objective of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of dental surgeons about the different techniques of surgical endodontics and their indications, aiming to reestablish the patient's well-being. For this, a search was carried out in the Google Scholar and Scielo databases, using the following descriptors “Root canal preparation”, “Endodontics” and “Apicoectomy” including articles, monographs from 2006 to 2023. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 articles were selected for full reading. It is concluded that failure to clean the root canal, due to its anatomy or failure in chemical/mechanical preparation, is the main cause of failure in endodontic treatment, resulting in the persistence of pathogens, making it necessary to indicate paraendodontic surgery as a last resort before exodontia is recommended.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Paraendodontic surgery. Endodontic treatment. Apicoectomy.

  • Keywords: Paraendodontic surgery. Endodontic treatment. Apicoectomy.

  • Abstract:

    Paraendodontic surgery is a technique responsible for treating the failures of traditional endodontics. This modality seeks to remove the infectious etiological agent and regenerate tissues in the periapical region. Therefore, it is considered a conservative technique as it values the maintenance of the tooth in the oral cavity. The objective of this research is to contribute to the knowledge of dental surgeons about the different techniques of surgical endodontics and their indications, aiming to reestablish the patient's well-being. For this, a search was carried out in the Google Scholar and Scielo databases, using the following descriptors “Root canal preparation”, “Endodontics” and “Apicoectomy” including articles, monographs from 2006 to 2023. After applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 30 articles were selected for full reading. It is concluded that failure to clean the root canal, due to its anatomy or failure in chemical/mechanical preparation, is the main cause of failure in endodontic treatment, resulting in the persistence of pathogens, making it necessary to indicate paraendodontic surgery as a last resort before exodontia is recommended.

  • Thais Leal Sigaia
  • Rai de Almeida da Silva
  • Érica da Silva Pinto
  • Karoline de Oliveira Vieira Clemente
  • Leandro Miranda Ribeiro Dias
  • Marco Aurélio de Almeida Guimarães
  • D'Alessandro Zacché Lopes
  • Kássia Silva de Carvalho
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