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COGNITIVE SCIENCE - Epistemological construct configuration

The development of Cognitive Science configures a strange scenario. In just over 40 years of official existence, it has a huge spread. While always emphasizing its interdisciplinary project, this new Science was always marked by an oscillation between the study of the brain as opposed to the study of the mind. An oscillation generated the corollary of the predominance of a discipline or of a specific perspective in the way it architected its investigation and its proposal of interdisciplinarity. In the first decades of its history, Cognitive Science bet on the analogy between minds and computers, between thought and symbols. The mind would be the brain's software and the bet on the possibility of simulating it through computer programs made Computing occupy a privileged place in this initial scenario. However, it is necessary to elaborate a concept for this discipline.

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COGNITIVE SCIENCE - Epistemological construct configuration

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162212220109

  • Palavras-chave: Cognitive Science. epistemological status.

  • Keywords: Cognitive Science. epistemological status.

  • Abstract:

    The development of Cognitive Science configures a strange scenario. In just over 40 years of official existence, it has a huge spread. While always emphasizing its interdisciplinary project, this new Science was always marked by an oscillation between the study of the brain as opposed to the study of the mind. An oscillation generated the corollary of the predominance of a discipline or of a specific perspective in the way it architected its investigation and its proposal of interdisciplinarity. In the first decades of its history, Cognitive Science bet on the analogy between minds and computers, between thought and symbols. The mind would be the brain's software and the bet on the possibility of simulating it through computer programs made Computing occupy a privileged place in this initial scenario. However, it is necessary to elaborate a concept for this discipline.

  • Adelcio Machado dos Santos
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