Artigo - Atena Editora


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This article aims to propose a reflection on the theme of digital citizenship and informal environmental education that can be carried out through activities developed outside the academic environment, through awareness processes and practices with the participation of communities, social movements, collectives, companies and associations, as suitable instruments to reinforce the need to participate in the democratization of the environment, aiming at the preservation of natural resources and the various forms of life on the planet. Exposure to the technological transformations of the digital age will contribute to the mutation of the position of simple spectator, becoming an active actor and component of a globalized and hyperconnected world that inserts it in the concept of digital citizenship. Broad, conscious, critical and transformative environmental education, which can contribute to the formation of their awareness, providing them with instruments of participation in the protection of the environment in the face of current environmental changes caused by the action of man himself and those arising from his inadequate exploitation can be verifiable result. This awareness through digital citizenship and complementary access to informal environmental education can contribute to generating critical and reflective social participation that will grant citizens the possibility of transforming the environment, as a way of realization not only of fundamental rights in the pursuit of a dignified life, but of the advancement of the entire community.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.973362327047

  • Palavras-chave: Digital citizenship; Informal environmental education; Environment; Collective rights; Ecoeconomics.

  • Keywords: Digital citizenship; Informal environmental education; Environment; Collective rights; Ecoeconomics.

  • Abstract:

    This article aims to propose a reflection on the theme of digital citizenship and informal environmental education that can be carried out through activities developed outside the academic environment, through awareness processes and practices with the participation of communities, social movements, collectives, companies and associations, as suitable instruments to reinforce the need to participate in the democratization of the environment, aiming at the preservation of natural resources and the various forms of life on the planet. Exposure to the technological transformations of the digital age will contribute to the mutation of the position of simple spectator, becoming an active actor and component of a globalized and hyperconnected world that inserts it in the concept of digital citizenship. Broad, conscious, critical and transformative environmental education, which can contribute to the formation of their awareness, providing them with instruments of participation in the protection of the environment in the face of current environmental changes caused by the action of man himself and those arising from his inadequate exploitation can be verifiable result. This awareness through digital citizenship and complementary access to informal environmental education can contribute to generating critical and reflective social participation that will grant citizens the possibility of transforming the environment, as a way of realization not only of fundamental rights in the pursuit of a dignified life, but of the advancement of the entire community.

  • Helimara Moreira Lamounier Heringer
  • Sebastião Sérgio da Silveira
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