Introduction: Low back pain is considered a major public health problem, as it is responsible for the drop in the individual's work performance, limitation in performing activities of daily living and decreased quality of life. Goals: Check whether Kinesio Taping and myofascial release techniques are effective in reducing low back pain, comparing the effects that both provide and analyzing whether there is an advantage of any technique over the other, as well as demystifying the use of Kinesio Taping and placebo effect. Method: Experimental analytical research, with 27 volunteers who had chronic low back pain, with no specific cause, aged between 20 and 62 years. All selected individuals, at the beginning of the research and at the end, were evaluated with the Milgram test, modified Schober and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Participants were randomly divided into two groups, the LM Group, received treatment with myofascial release in the lumbar region, and the other group called KT, had the application of the Kinesio Taping technique in the lumbar region as an intervention. Results: The mean pain level in the KT group was initially 5.9 (±2.330) and at the end it was 1.9 (±2.024), with p=0.007. In the LM group, initial 7.125 (±2.587), and final 2.75 (±2.915), p=0.0067. Comparing the results between groups, initial p=0.3146 and final, p=0.4969. Milgram's test was 60% positive in the KT group and 87.5% in the LM group, at the end 20% in the KT and 37.5% in the LM. The Schober test in KT showed improvement in the mobility of the participants' spine, at the beginning of the study, 40% of the volunteers in this group had reduced mobility and at the end, only 20%, in the LM, 12.5% of the participants remained with reduced mobility. Reduced mobility from the beginning to the end of the study. Conclusion: Both methods proved to be effective, and none of the techniques showed superiority over the other, probably due to the low and of the research, and precisely for this reason, it is difficult to say whether the positive results obtained by Kinesio Taping are due to effectiveness of the technique or by a placebo action.
DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592232205055
Palavras-chave: Chronic low back pain. Treatment. Kinesio Taping.
Keywords: Chronic low back pain. Treatment. Kinesio Taping.
Introduction: Low back pain is considered a major public health problem, as it is responsible for the drop in the individual's work performance, limitation in performing activities of daily living and decreased quality of life. Goals: Check whether Kinesio Taping and myofascial release techniques are effective in reducing low back pain, comparing the effects that both provide and analyzing whether there is an advantage of any technique over the other, as well as demystifying the use of Kinesio Taping and placebo effect. Method: Experimental analytical research, with 27 volunteers who had chronic low back pain, with no specific cause, aged between 20 and 62 years. All selected individuals, at the beginning of the research and at the end, were evaluated with the Milgram test, modified Schober and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Participants were randomly divided into two groups, the LM Group, received treatment with myofascial release in the lumbar region, and the other group called KT, had the application of the Kinesio Taping technique in the lumbar region as an intervention. Results: The mean pain level in the KT group was initially 5.9 (±2.330) and at the end it was 1.9 (±2.024), with p=0.007. In the LM group, initial 7.125 (±2.587), and final 2.75 (±2.915), p=0.0067. Comparing the results between groups, initial p=0.3146 and final, p=0.4969. Milgram's test was 60% positive in the KT group and 87.5% in the LM group, at the end 20% in the KT and 37.5% in the LM. The Schober test in KT showed improvement in the mobility of the participants' spine, at the beginning of the study, 40% of the volunteers in this group had reduced mobility and at the end, only 20%, in the LM, 12.5% of the participants remained with reduced mobility. Reduced mobility from the beginning to the end of the study. Conclusion: Both methods proved to be effective, and none of the techniques showed superiority over the other, probably due to the low and of the research, and precisely for this reason, it is difficult to say whether the positive results obtained by Kinesio Taping are due to effectiveness of the technique or by a placebo action.
Número de páginas: 13
- Regiane Donizeti Sperandio
- Tatiane Nogueira dos Santos