Artigo - Atena Editora


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Natural Sciences, today called Earth Sciences and its Technologies, have always been treated by the student community as an almost insurmountable challenge, only geniuses managed to fight hard battles and win them. Going back a little in time, cartoons or television series whenever they showed a character who was perhaps a scientist, this one was usually disheveled and invariably was trying to blow something up or doing some kind of evil. The child entering school is like a rough stone and needs to be polished. Mathematics and the so-called Physical and Biological Sciences are part of the child's knowledge, however, in terms of mathematics, doing math is considered very difficult, in addition to the fact that in a system of continued progression, knowing or not knowing seems to matter little, PISA data confirm this phenomenon. Associated with this addicted social system, media/school, and with a series of irrelevant information, the child grows up, becoming an adolescent, without having the perception that his day to day is surrounded by Science, which has long ceased to be simply natural sciences and also became technology. With regard to Chemistry, which has its own language, with symbols, formulas, equations of reactions and mathematical tools, this teenager is immersed in the installation of chaos, because, based on the teaching/learning process he experienced, he was not prepared for this complexity. In order to show that Earth Sciences, in particular, that Chemistry is not something impossible, Students in the 1st year of the Technical Course in Chemistry Integrated into High School were led to give lectures and workshops with children from Kindergarten and Early Years of Elementary School. The results were surprising, the students were able to get to know different realities, in addition to being dazzled by the curiosity aroused by those children.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173102330031

  • Palavras-chave: Earth Sciences, Chemistry, community, workshops and lectures, media information.

  • Keywords: Earth Sciences, Chemistry, community, workshops and lectures, media information.

  • Abstract:

    Natural Sciences, today called Earth Sciences and its Technologies, have always been treated by the student community as an almost insurmountable challenge, only geniuses managed to fight hard battles and win them. Going back a little in time, cartoons or television series whenever they showed a character who was perhaps a scientist, this one was usually disheveled and invariably was trying to blow something up or doing some kind of evil. The child entering school is like a rough stone and needs to be polished. Mathematics and the so-called Physical and Biological Sciences are part of the child's knowledge, however, in terms of mathematics, doing math is considered very difficult, in addition to the fact that in a system of continued progression, knowing or not knowing seems to matter little, PISA data confirm this phenomenon. Associated with this addicted social system, media/school, and with a series of irrelevant information, the child grows up, becoming an adolescent, without having the perception that his day to day is surrounded by Science, which has long ceased to be simply natural sciences and also became technology. With regard to Chemistry, which has its own language, with symbols, formulas, equations of reactions and mathematical tools, this teenager is immersed in the installation of chaos, because, based on the teaching/learning process he experienced, he was not prepared for this complexity. In order to show that Earth Sciences, in particular, that Chemistry is not something impossible, Students in the 1st year of the Technical Course in Chemistry Integrated into High School were led to give lectures and workshops with children from Kindergarten and Early Years of Elementary School. The results were surprising, the students were able to get to know different realities, in addition to being dazzled by the curiosity aroused by those children.

  • Dr. Ricardo Francischetti Jacob
  • Sérgio Delbianco Filho
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