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Case report: use of multiple instruments for pain assessment 2020

As it is a symptom that encompasses several subjective and biopsychosocial aspects, pain assessment must be performed using numerous instruments, which can be used both quantitatively and qualitatively. Among the scores available for this study, we chose to use the Visual Analogue Pain Scale (VAS), the Leeds Pain Scale for Neuropathic Signs and Symptoms (LANSS) neuropathic assessment scale and the Short Form 36 quality of life scale. (SF36) with the aim of demonstrating how the use of multiple instruments for pain assessment reduces subjectivity, increases accuracy and prevents false interpretations.

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Case report: use of multiple instruments for pain assessment 2020

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592302215069

  • Palavras-chave: multiple instruments, pain

  • Keywords: multiple instruments, pain

  • Abstract:

    As it is a symptom that encompasses several subjective and biopsychosocial aspects, pain assessment must be performed using numerous instruments, which can be used both quantitatively and qualitatively. Among the scores available for this study, we chose to use the Visual Analogue Pain Scale (VAS), the Leeds Pain Scale for Neuropathic Signs and Symptoms (LANSS) neuropathic assessment scale and the Short Form 36 quality of life scale. (SF36) with the aim of demonstrating how the use of multiple instruments for pain assessment reduces subjectivity, increases accuracy and prevents false interpretations.

  • Número de páginas: 2

  • Leandro Monteiro Maemura
  • Joenice de Almeida Ferreira Matos
  • Rodrigo Parente Medeiros
  • Marsani Rocha Batista
  • Tiago Vieira Fernandes
  • Raíssa Freitas de Paula Oliveira
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