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Caries, Dental Erosion and Cariogenic Foods: A Review of Current Scientific Literature

Caries and dental erosion are very common dental diseases today, with the etiology of both pathologies mentioned having a multifactorial origin, with diet as one of the main factors in the development of these diseases. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, through a literature review, topics such as pathophysiology, etiology and influence of nutrition on both caries and dental erosion in light of current data. METHODOLOGY: Literature review using the main internet databases to select articles. CONCLUSIONS: This work highlights the importance of understanding cariogenic nutrition for oral health. Certain foods contribute to tooth decay, requiring preventative measures. A cariogenic diet is characterized by foods rich in sugar and starch, which feed the oral bacteria responsible for the demineralization of tooth enamel. The frequency and form of consumption also influence cavities. Education and access to accurate information are essential to changing eating habits and ensuring lifelong oral health. Health professionals, especially dentists, must provide clear guidance on cariogenic nutrition. This way, we can reduce cavities and promote healthy, long-lasting smiles.

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Caries, Dental Erosion and Cariogenic Foods: A Review of Current Scientific Literature

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593992304121

  • Palavras-chave: Dental Caries, Dental Erosion, Dental Diseases, Cariogenic Diet.

  • Keywords: Dental Caries, Dental Erosion, Dental Diseases, Cariogenic Diet.

  • Abstract:

    Caries and dental erosion are very common dental diseases today, with the etiology of both pathologies mentioned having a multifactorial origin, with diet as one of the main factors in the development of these diseases. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, through a literature review, topics such as pathophysiology, etiology and influence of nutrition on both caries and dental erosion in light of current data. METHODOLOGY: Literature review using the main internet databases to select articles. CONCLUSIONS: This work highlights the importance of understanding cariogenic nutrition for oral health. Certain foods contribute to tooth decay, requiring preventative measures. A cariogenic diet is characterized by foods rich in sugar and starch, which feed the oral bacteria responsible for the demineralization of tooth enamel. The frequency and form of consumption also influence cavities. Education and access to accurate information are essential to changing eating habits and ensuring lifelong oral health. Health professionals, especially dentists, must provide clear guidance on cariogenic nutrition. This way, we can reduce cavities and promote healthy, long-lasting smiles.

  • Vinícius Frasson Francisco
  • Juliana Moura Storniolo de Souza
  • Márcia Yuri Kawauchi
  • Douglas Fernandes da Silva
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