Chemical characterization of sargassum (Sargassum spp) present on the coasts of Mahahual and its possible use as fertilizer
Chemical characterization of sargassum (Sargassum spp) present on the coasts of Mahahual and its possible use as fertilizer
Palavras-chave: Sargazo, Mar Caribe.
Keywords: Sargassum, Caribbean Sea.
Sargassum began arriving on the coasts of Quintana Roo since the end of 2014, intensifying in 2015; In 2018 the volume was exaggerated, its arrival continued until September 2019, and then it declined.
By 2018 and 2019, the volume and extent of this sargassum in the Atlantic had already become alarming; it was estimated that in June 2018 its live weight in the sea was more than 20 million tons, distributed over an area of more than 8,850 km1.
Thus, the economic and social impact throughout the Caribbean region is extremely serious. In particular it represents an overwhelming problem for tourism. This activity is a source of income of primary importance for 35 countries, states and territories of the Greater Caribbean. For June Sooner, Secretary General of the Association of Caribbean States, this is a "natural disaster", a challenge and perhaps also an opportunity to develop a new truly sustainable tourism model for the region.
- José Luis González Bucio
- Carrión Jiménez José Manuel
- Calva Calva Graciano
- Yam Gamboa Joel Omar
- Palacios Ramírez Norma
- Delgado Blas Víctor Hugo
- Magaña Landero Walter