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Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Bdellovibrio isolates spp. in Mexico

Bdellovibrio spp. es una Deltaproteobacteria, ubicua, Gram-negativa, uniflagelada,
altamente motil, depreda bacterias Gram-negativas, recientemente se reportó depredación
de bacterias Gram-positivas. Pertenece al grupo BALOs (Bdellovibrio and-like-organisms).
Bdellovibrio exovorus se desplaza rápidamente utilizando su flagelo, adhiriéndose a la
membrana externa, secretando enzimas y con movimientos mecánicos consume a la presa.
B. bacteriovorus invade el periplasma formando un bdelloplasto, donde se replica por
fisión múltiple. Los factores implicados en la depredación, son el flagelo, la movilización,
enzimas líticas, genes de interacción ¨hit locus¨ bd0108 y bd0109, rango de presa, etc. El
objetivo fue caracterizar fenotípica y molecularmente aislados de Bdellovibrio spp. en
México. Se utilizaron bacterias patógenas de interés clínico como presas y muestras de
agua, suelo, y heces de animales, para aislar bacterias depredadoras, fueron confrontadas
con el fin de observar actividad lítica. Se utilizaron secuencias del gen 16S ARNr
amplificando por PCR para el género Bdellovibrio, secuencias de la familia
Bdellovibrionaceae. Se obtuvieron ochenta y seis aislados positivos para BALOs, se
observó lisis celular de las bacterias presa, se realizó un rango de presa, midiendo la
actividad lítica (presa-depredador).

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Phenotypic and molecular characterization of Bdellovibrio isolates spp. in Mexico

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.317392328036

  • Palavras-chave: Caracterización, molecular, aislados, Bdellovibrio, patógenos.

  • Keywords: Characterization, molecular, isolated, Bdellovibrio, pathogens.

  • Abstract:

    Bdellovibrio spp. is a Deltaproteobacteria, ubiquitous, Gram-negative, uniflagellate, highly motile, preys on Gram-negative bacteria, recently reported predation on Gram-positive bacteria. It belongs to the BALOs group (Bdellovibrio and- like - organisms ). bdellovibrio exovores it moves quickly using its flagellum, adhering to the outer membrane, secreting enzymes and mechanical movements consumes the prey. b. bacteriovorus invades the periplasm forming a bdelloplast, where it replicates by multiple fission. The factors involved in predation are the flagellum, mobilization, lytic enzymes, interaction genes "hit locus" bd0108 and bd0109, prey range, etc. The objective was to characterize phenotypic and molecular isolates of Bdellovibrio spp. in Mexico. Pathogenic bacteria of clinical interest were used as prey, and samples of water, soil, and animal feces, to isolate predatory bacteria, were confronted in order to observe lytic activity. Sequences of the 16S rRNA gene were used to amplify by PCR for the genus Bdellovibrio, sequences from the family Bdellovibrionaceae. Eighty-six positive isolates for BALOs were obtained, cell lysis of the prey bacteria was observed, a prey range was performed, measuring the lytic activity (prey-predator).

  • Alejandro Sánchez Varela
  • Leonardo I., Aranda-Vivas
  • Isabel Cristina Rodríguez Luna
  • Xianwu Guo
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