Artigo - Atena Editora


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 Currently, exotic animals represent a new category of companion animals, including boa constrictors in this group. Therefore, there is an urgent need for reference parameters to establish the most varied diagnoses. Although the morphology and cardiac physiology of reptiles have already been studied, there is a gap in adult and geriatric boa constrictors, especially those in captivity, due to incorrect handling and breeding conditions. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the heart rate (HR) and systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean (MAP) blood pressure of the boa constrictor. This research is approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals. We used 40 specimens of boa constrictors (Boa constrictor), healthy adults, from the ``Criatório Jiboias Brasil`` (Brazil), 20 males (average 1.80 m) and 20 females (average 2.10 m), weighing between 5. 2 to 12.6 kg, in the pre-prandial period (21 days of fasting). 

The evaluation of HR (bpm), SBP, DBP and MAP (mmHg) were carried out using a non-invasive, high-resolution oscillometric method with the In Monitor - Inpulse device with seven sequential measurements. The mean values and standard deviation for males were: HR (18 ± 8); SBP (42 ± 1.8); MAP (33 ± 2.1); DBP (24 ± 3.8) and, for females: HR bpm (20 ± 5); SBP (47 ± 2.6); MAP (34 ± 3.5); PAD (26 ± 4.2). Only SBP was statistically different (p<0.05) between males and females. To date, there is no descriptive work on the SBP, MAP and DBP of boa constrictors (Boa constrictor), most likely due to the difficulty of measuring with conventional Doppler, as well as the invasive method. This way, the results generated by the high-resolution oscillometric method with quantitative and qualitative graphs are reliable, helping many reptile clinicians to establish more accurate diagnoses during their clinical routine.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: reptiles, boa constrictor, cardiology.

  • Keywords: reptiles, boa constrictor, cardiology.

  • Abstract:

     Currently, exotic animals represent a new category of companion animals, including boa constrictors in this group. Therefore, there is an urgent need for reference parameters to establish the most varied diagnoses. Although the morphology and cardiac physiology of reptiles have already been studied, there is a gap in adult and geriatric boa constrictors, especially those in captivity, due to incorrect handling and breeding conditions. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate the heart rate (HR) and systolic (SBP), diastolic (DBP) and mean (MAP) blood pressure of the boa constrictor. This research is approved by the Ethics Committee on the Use of Animals. We used 40 specimens of boa constrictors (Boa constrictor), healthy adults, from the ``Criatório Jiboias Brasil`` (Brazil), 20 males (average 1.80 m) and 20 females (average 2.10 m), weighing between 5. 2 to 12.6 kg, in the pre-prandial period (21 days of fasting). 

    The evaluation of HR (bpm), SBP, DBP and MAP (mmHg) were carried out using a non-invasive, high-resolution oscillometric method with the In Monitor - Inpulse device with seven sequential measurements. The mean values and standard deviation for males were: HR (18 ± 8); SBP (42 ± 1.8); MAP (33 ± 2.1); DBP (24 ± 3.8) and, for females: HR bpm (20 ± 5); SBP (47 ± 2.6); MAP (34 ± 3.5); PAD (26 ± 4.2). Only SBP was statistically different (p<0.05) between males and females. To date, there is no descriptive work on the SBP, MAP and DBP of boa constrictors (Boa constrictor), most likely due to the difficulty of measuring with conventional Doppler, as well as the invasive method. This way, the results generated by the high-resolution oscillometric method with quantitative and qualitative graphs are reliable, helping many reptile clinicians to establish more accurate diagnoses during their clinical routine.

  • Marthin Raboch Lempek
  • Fernanda Alves Mirando
  • Lara Duque Estrada Meyer Fagundes
  • Nicolas Fontana Eleutério
  • Tiago de Oliveira Lima
  • Marília Martins Melo
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