Artigo - Atena Editora


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The lack of drinking water in the country due to the more frequent droughts has worsened alarmingly worldwide, so it is necessary to address this problem by developing projects that make it possible to take advantage of the rainy seasons, in order to To help solve this situation, the following rainwater harvesting project is proposed in any Educational Institution in the country, which in the area of its buildings or constructions allow the collection of rainwater, creating cisterns that allow the storage and use of this for the basic needs of the communities that make up the educational institutions in order to make these institutions sustainable. For this reason, it is recommended that the areas of the buildings that public or private educational institutions have, have connectivity between roofs directed to collection cisterns, for which it is necessary to condition them in such a way that by gravity the water flows through pipes. towards said cisterns, which must have filters that allow the retention of impurities that may exist in the catchment areas in such a way that it reaches the tanks as clean as possible and save on the treatment of the vital liquid, so that the water be available for irrigation of green areas in the facilities of the educational center, cleaning of toilets and / or to be treated for human consumption with the support of a water purifier to offer the filling of jugs for the community. It is important to note that the cooperation of the community that conforms the institutions to participate and contribute to the care and maintenance of the facilities is proposed. In addition to an environmental education campaign/program to inform the community of the problem and the proposed project. Being created as a sustainable area, the intervention of the different governmental instances is important, as well as the community that settles in said spaces.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.3173192305069

  • Palavras-chave: catchment, rainwater, irrigation, purification.

  • Keywords: catchment, rainwater, irrigation, purification.

  • Abstract:

    The lack of drinking water in the country due to the more frequent droughts has worsened alarmingly worldwide, so it is necessary to address this problem by developing projects that make it possible to take advantage of the rainy seasons, in order to To help solve this situation, the following rainwater harvesting project is proposed in any Educational Institution in the country, which in the area of its buildings or constructions allow the collection of rainwater, creating cisterns that allow the storage and use of this for the basic needs of the communities that make up the educational institutions in order to make these institutions sustainable. For this reason, it is recommended that the areas of the buildings that public or private educational institutions have, have connectivity between roofs directed to collection cisterns, for which it is necessary to condition them in such a way that by gravity the water flows through pipes. towards said cisterns, which must have filters that allow the retention of impurities that may exist in the catchment areas in such a way that it reaches the tanks as clean as possible and save on the treatment of the vital liquid, so that the water be available for irrigation of green areas in the facilities of the educational center, cleaning of toilets and / or to be treated for human consumption with the support of a water purifier to offer the filling of jugs for the community. It is important to note that the cooperation of the community that conforms the institutions to participate and contribute to the care and maintenance of the facilities is proposed. In addition to an environmental education campaign/program to inform the community of the problem and the proposed project. Being created as a sustainable area, the intervention of the different governmental instances is important, as well as the community that settles in said spaces.

  • Alfonso Jorge Quevedo Martínez
  • Martín Hernández Hernández
  • Esiquio Martin Gutiérrez Armenta
  • Marco Antonio Gutiérrez Villegas
  • Israel Isaac Gutiérrez Villegas
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