Artigo - Atena Editora


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Caminem Junts is a Service-Learning project in favor of children with cancer, carried out by two promotions of fifth and sixth grade of the San Roque de Alcoy school (Alicante). An educational work that was awarded the National Service-Learning Award in 2018 in the Solidarity / Human Rights modality, with which it was possible to raise awareness of two main objectives: accompanying the sick and raising money for research. In the first, it was possible to raise awareness among students and families about cancer in general, and childhood cancer in particular, and its prevention and cure were promoted. They were made more resilient in the face of this disease and they learned that they must act against this scourge, which many had touched closely, instead of being indifferent. The inclusion of recovered children with cancer on their return to school was also worked on with a daring hair donation activity by the students. And, in the second objective, it was possible to exceed the sum of 60,200 euros through cultural shows open to all audiences and solidarity campaigns. The result was a project with unbeatable personal and academic results. The best indicator of success was that of Aitana, a girl who was terrified of seeing a child without hair and who came to visit the chemotherapy room. She wrote in her educational portfolio that Caminem Junts has changed my life and also that of my family; I want to be an oncologist when I grow up.”

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1593562320072

  • Palavras-chave: Service-learning, childhood cancer, healthy habits, inclusion, resilience, mourning.

  • Keywords: Service-learning, childhood cancer, healthy habits, inclusion, resilience, mourning.

  • Abstract:

    Caminem Junts is a Service-Learning project in favor of children with cancer, carried out by two promotions of fifth and sixth grade of the San Roque de Alcoy school (Alicante). An educational work that was awarded the National Service-Learning Award in 2018 in the Solidarity / Human Rights modality, with which it was possible to raise awareness of two main objectives: accompanying the sick and raising money for research. In the first, it was possible to raise awareness among students and families about cancer in general, and childhood cancer in particular, and its prevention and cure were promoted. They were made more resilient in the face of this disease and they learned that they must act against this scourge, which many had touched closely, instead of being indifferent. The inclusion of recovered children with cancer on their return to school was also worked on with a daring hair donation activity by the students. And, in the second objective, it was possible to exceed the sum of 60,200 euros through cultural shows open to all audiences and solidarity campaigns. The result was a project with unbeatable personal and academic results. The best indicator of success was that of Aitana, a girl who was terrified of seeing a child without hair and who came to visit the chemotherapy room. She wrote in her educational portfolio that Caminem Junts has changed my life and also that of my family; I want to be an oncologist when I grow up.”

  • Francisco Pascual Soler
  • Immaculada Ròdenas i Marco
  • Belén Catalán Gregori
  • Lucía Granados Alós
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