Artigo - Atena Editora


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Burnout is a silent syndrome that intensifies over time, within the work environment, without, however, the individual being aware of its presence. It happens gradually and cumulatively. The work stress syndrome, as it is also known, results from stressful situations within the work environment that have not been successfully managed. One of the classes where there is a great prevalence is the teaching class. Therefore, the question that guides this article is: how does the climb to cure burnout in education professionals take place? Therefore, the objective is to investigate the prevalence of burnout in professionals in the teaching environment, as well as to investigate how the healing process takes place. In addition to researching the processes of diagnosis and prevention of the syndrome. Burnout is a syndrome of a psychosomatic, psychological and behavioral nature that, as a rule, produces negative consequences in the individual, professional and social segments. The individuals affected by it constitute a population with a depressive emotional nature and a fragility that leads them to be always exhausted and constantly irritated. As a response to these symptoms, corporate institutions present, in this niche of individuals with Burnout syndrome, expressive and robust rates of absenteeism, work accidents, sick leave, decreased quality of life at work and increased interpersonal conflicts. Recent research, however, points out ways not only to cure the syndrome, but also ways to prevent teaching professionals and many others from being affected by Burnout.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.1592522209092

  • Palavras-chave: Syndrome; burnout; teachers.

  • Keywords: Syndrome; burnout; teachers.

  • Abstract:

    Burnout is a silent Syndrome that intensifies over time, within the work environment, without, however, the individual being aware of its presence. It happens gradually and cumulatively. The work stress syndrome, as it is also known, is the result of stressful situations within the work environment that have not been successfully managed. One of the classes where there is a great prevalence is the teaching class. Therefore, the question that guides this article is: how does the climb to cure burnout in education professionals take place? Therefore, the objective is to investigate the prevalence of burnout in professionals in the teaching environment, as well as to investigate how the healing process takes place. In addition to researching the processes of diagnosis and prevention of the syndrome. Burnout is a syndrome of a psychosomatic, psychological and behavioral nature that, as a rule, produces negative consequences in the individual, professional and social segments. The individuals affected by it constitute a population with a depressive emotional nature and a fragility that leads them to be always exhausted and constantly irritated. As a response to these symptoms, corporate institutions present, in this niche of individuals with Burnout syndrome, expressive and robust rates of absenteeism, work accidents, sick leave, decreased quality of life at work and increased interpersonal conflicts. Recent research, however, points out ways not only to cure the syndrome, but also ways to prevent teaching professionals and many others from being affected by Burnout.

  • Número de páginas: 14

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