Artigo - Atena Editora


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This work is a possibility for us to think about rivers. The objective of the work is to show that rivers have a history of formation. Rivers are part of the entire systemic dynamics of terrestrial evolution, making up life in the system; as well as the lives of many traditional peoples. In this sense, the work data is constituted through scenes from the Landsat 5 and 8 satellites, and the National Common Curricular Base. As an example, there is a stretch of the Amambaí-MS river, close to the mouth, aiming to analyze the dynamics of evolution aimed at elementary school II. This way, the work demonstrates a way of learning about rivers that is more attractive to students than just memorizing nomenclatures. In this context, the work addressed the dynamics of the channel in the years 2006, 2013 and 2020, identifying the morphological change in the Amambaí river channel, mainly between the years 2013 and 2020, with the abandonment of the meander. From this perspective, the student understands that the dynamics of nature are constant, and, in the case of river dynamics, 14 years is a period in which there is the possibility of changing the channel of a meandering river.

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  • DOI:

  • Palavras-chave: Watershed; teaching; river; abandoned meander.

  • Keywords: Watershed; teaching; river; abandoned meander.

  • Abstract:

    This work is a possibility for us to think about rivers. The objective of the work is to show that rivers have a history of formation. Rivers are part of the entire systemic dynamics of terrestrial evolution, making up life in the system; as well as the lives of many traditional peoples. In this sense, the work data is constituted through scenes from the Landsat 5 and 8 satellites, and the National Common Curricular Base. As an example, there is a stretch of the Amambaí-MS river, close to the mouth, aiming to analyze the dynamics of evolution aimed at elementary school II. This way, the work demonstrates a way of learning about rivers that is more attractive to students than just memorizing nomenclatures. In this context, the work addressed the dynamics of the channel in the years 2006, 2013 and 2020, identifying the morphological change in the Amambaí river channel, mainly between the years 2013 and 2020, with the abandonment of the meander. From this perspective, the student understands that the dynamics of nature are constant, and, in the case of river dynamics, 14 years is a period in which there is the possibility of changing the channel of a meandering river.

  • Renan Valério Eduvirgem
  • Rafael Henrique de Moura
  • Francis Michael Paschoal da Silva
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