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Brazilian Manifestations of 2013: the use of hashtags and slogans on posters

When analyzing the use of hashtags during the Brazilian demonstrations in 2013, the gift article it is proposed the studying the convergence in languages what if He gave in between at social media and the demonstrations of the month of June. The relationship between the symbol used in the Twitter for content indexing was related to keywords used in posters and at the speech from protesters. For manual Castells, that intersection in languages and content between physical and virtual spaces results in what he calls real virtuality. To define the concepts of cyberspace and virtuality, it will be used Castells (2003) and Santaella (2007), the analysis of technologies and social media will be based on wake up with Santaella's postulates (2003). Finally, it is described in the analyzed object as the Internet he can mobilize individuals around common goals.

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Brazilian Manifestations of 2013: the use of hashtags and slogans on posters

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.929242212062

  • Palavras-chave: cyberspace; social media; hashtags; command words; Brazilian manifestations.

  • Keywords: cyberspace; social media; hashtags; command words; Brazilian manifestations.

  • Abstract:

    When analyzing the use of hashtags during the Brazilian demonstrations in 2013, the gift article it is proposed the studying the convergence in languages what if He gave in between at social media and the demonstrations of the month of June. The relationship between the symbol used in the Twitter for content indexing was related to keywords used in posters and at the speech from protesters. For manual Castells, that intersection in languages and content between physical and virtual spaces results in what he calls real virtuality. To define the concepts of cyberspace and virtuality, it will be used Castells (2003) and Santaella (2007), the analysis of technologies and social media will be based on wake up with Santaella's postulates (2003). Finally, it is described in the analyzed object as the Internet he can mobilize individuals around common goals.

  • Número de páginas: 16

  • Keren Franciane MOURA
  • Carolina Fernandes da Silva Mandaji
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