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Through the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) Dança/UFV, an important work was carried out at the Madre Santa Face State School, from 2014 to 2016. As the school team did not have knowledge of the role of dance in school, saw her only as a trainer of standardized choreographies for parties and celebrations. With the scholarship students' practice in classes, guided by the coordinator, it was understood that dance has a greater meaning, going far beyond training dancers. At school, dance aims to allow well-being, to know themselves, the limitations and bodily variations that occur through games, games, improvisations. Thus, dance was seen in a different way, so the team decided to dare and proposed to carry out a more in-depth study, focused on the Festa junina (party celebrated in june), analyzing the cultural and popular manifestations of Brazil. The idea was well received. We worked with texts and videos demonstrating, in addition to the dancing movements of the country, the different customs, values and beliefs, included in the multiculturalism that is part of Brazil. New knowledge and experiences occurred without imposing rules and standards. Students and teachers realized that dance and old music “or old” are part of memories that must favor the integration between body, mind and emotions. The entire school was committed to studying the texts, forming the choreography and making accessories. The students danced willingly as they realized that this type of dance brings joy and independence. Parents, who were informed in advance that it would be a different party, reported that older family members told about these dances, and many participated and still participate. The results and conclusions of the work were positive and pleasant, strengthening the relationship between student, school and family, in addition to adding important news and curiosities to reality.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.55822322270710

  • Palavras-chave: Dance, Brazilian dances, school context.

  • Keywords: Dance, Brazilian dances, school context.

  • Abstract:

    Through the Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (PIBID) Dança/UFV, an important work was carried out at the Madre Santa Face State School, from 2014 to 2016. As the school team did not have knowledge of the role of dance in school, saw her only as a trainer of standardized choreographies for parties and celebrations. With the scholarship students' practice in classes, guided by the coordinator, it was understood that dance has a greater meaning, going far beyond training dancers. At school, dance aims to allow well-being, to know themselves, the limitations and bodily variations that occur through games, games, improvisations. Thus, dance was seen in a different way, so the team decided to dare and proposed to carry out a more in-depth study, focused on the Festa junina (party celebrated in june), analyzing the cultural and popular manifestations of Brazil. The idea was well received. We worked with texts and videos demonstrating, in addition to the dancing movements of the country, the different customs, values and beliefs, included in the multiculturalism that is part of Brazil. New knowledge and experiences occurred without imposing rules and standards. Students and teachers realized that dance and old music “or old” are part of memories that must favor the integration between body, mind and emotions. The entire school was committed to studying the texts, forming the choreography and making accessories. The students danced willingly as they realized that this type of dance brings joy and independence. Parents, who were informed in advance that it would be a different party, reported that older family members told about these dances, and many participated and still participate. The results and conclusions of the work were positive and pleasant, strengthening the relationship between student, school and family, in addition to adding important news and curiosities to reality.

  • Número de páginas: 10

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