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BRAZIL BETWEEN FASCISM AND DEMOCRACY: The great agreement “with the Supreme Court, with everything” to the “broad front” to defeat Bolsonarism

From a critical Marxist reading, the work analyzes the role of the media and the judiciary in coups d'état and the installation of fascist governments in the post-Fordist period. Focusing on Bolsonaro's government, as a result of the 2016 coup, until the 2022 elections, the objective is to demonstrate that, just like democracy, fascism operates through the logic of capital, being inherent to it, and that its overcoming will be possible only with the overcoming of capitalist sociability.

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BRAZIL BETWEEN FASCISM AND DEMOCRACY: The great agreement “with the Supreme Court, with everything” to the “broad front” to defeat Bolsonarism

  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2163282313102

  • Palavras-chave: Fascism; Democracy; Legal form; Political form; Media

  • Keywords: Fascism; Democracy; Legal form; Political form; Media

  • Abstract:

    From a critical Marxist reading, the work analyzes the role of the media and the judiciary in coups d'état and the installation of fascist governments in the post-Fordist period. Focusing on Bolsonaro's government, as a result of the 2016 coup, until the 2022 elections, the objective is to demonstrate that, just like democracy, fascism operates through the logic of capital, being inherent to it, and that its overcoming will be possible only with the overcoming of capitalist sociability.

  • Aline Marques Lima
  • Sophie Dall Olmo
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