Artigo - Atena Editora


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This work aims to present research results on the use of information technology by Digital Libraries in the field of Information Management. The project is structured in three phases: (i) Study of Search Models and Informational Behavior of Information Users on the Web; (ii) Technological Infrastructure and Computing Resources Applied in Digital Libraries; and (iii) Search Tools, Access, Appropriation, and Use of Information on the WEB. The aim of this study is to verify, based on the appropriation that Libraries and Digital Repositories have made of collaborative technologies in digital information environments and open systems, the best practices in the management of computational resources infrastructure with a focus on proposing methodological guidance that can indicate Information Technology Governance practices in Digital Libraries.

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  • DOI: 10.22533/at.ed.2162262213124

  • Palavras-chave: Digital library. Information management. Information Technology. Lifecycle Management of Computing Resources. Digital Device Management.

  • Keywords: Digital library. Information management. Information Technology. Lifecycle Management of Computing Resources. Digital Device Management.

  • Abstract:

    This work aims to present research results on the use of information technology by Digital Libraries in the field of Information Management. The project is structured in three phases: (i) Study of Search Models and Informational Behavior of Information Users on the Web; (ii) Technological Infrastructure and Computing Resources Applied in Digital Libraries; and (iii) Search Tools, Access, Appropriation, and Use of Information on the WEB. The aim of this study is to verify, based on the appropriation that Libraries and Digital Repositories have made of collaborative technologies in digital information environments and open systems, the best practices in the management of computational resources infrastructure with a focus on proposing methodological guidance that can indicate Information Technology Governance practices in Digital Libraries.

  • Armando Malheiro da Silva
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